Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay about The Beauty Myth - 616 Words

By: Kelly Winch The Beauty Myth, published by Doubleday in New York City, hit the shelves in 1992. Naomi Wolf wrote this 348-page book. Wolf attended Yale University and New College, Oxford University, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. Her essays have been printed in many well-known magazines and newspapers, including Esquire and the New York Times. The Beauty Myth was Wolfs first book. She has also written two other books, Fire With Fire and Promiscuities. Wolf is a recognized feminist. She has done a lot of writing and has spoken to many audiences about issues involving feminism. In The Beauty Myth, Wolfs basic thesis states that there is a connection between female liberation and female beauty. She writes: The more legal and†¦show more content†¦Flaws, wrinkles and other problems are airbrushed out of the picture. Wolf discusses the effect that these standards are having on women in the workplace. A womans beauty, or lack of it, can be used against her. In 1986, Mechelle Vinson lost a sexu al harassment case. Vinson was young and ‘beautiful and carefully dressed. The district court ruled that her appearance counted against her. (Wolf 38) In Hopkins v. Price-Waterhouse, Ms. Hopkins was denied a partnership because she needed to learn to ‘walk more femininely, talk more femininely, dress more femininely, and ‘wear makeup. She brought in more business than any other employee. (Wolf 39) I believe that this book has value and people from all walks of life should read it. We all need to become much more aware of how strong and how damaging this kind of media influence is. Women and men need to realize that there are companies in our culture that thrive on making us feel bad about ourselves, such as cosmetic companies, health clubs, clothing designers; anyone that is trying to change us. The book was well written and extremely interesting. The reviews on the back cover say it all; that this book is essential reading. I will recommend it to all of my friends. Hope fully those who are very self-doubting and considering cosmetic surgery will realize they are trying to fit into an abnormal standard of beauty. Word Count:Show MoreRelatedThe Beauty Myth Essay1960 Words   |  8 Pagesponder some part (or all) of their body. In other words, this months column is for 99.9% of the women reading it! Why is it that so many women feel they just dont measure up when it comes to their looks? A new book entitled The Beauty Myth--How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women, provides some answers. If you are a woman who recognized herself in the above paragraph, or if you are a man who wants to understand more about the dynamics of media vs. self-worth, then run, do not walk, to theRead MoreThe Beauty Myth By Naomi Wolf1435 Words   |  6 PagesThe novel The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf focuses highly on feminism in today’s times. Throughout the novel the author describes different situations in which women are stereotypically viewed. So many women believe that the real meaning of beauty is what is shown on the television. Many end up disregarding their opinions and instead molding it into the views of their peers. The author argues that some women are being victims by; work, media, religion, sex, violence, and hunger. Beauty was once seenRead MoreThe Beauty Myth By Naomi Wolf1861 Words   |  8 PagesThe Beauty Myth, written by Naomi Wolf, is a study of how ideas of beauty oppress and restrict women from fully realising their potential. Published in 1990, many of the battles of second wave feminism had been won, which left many women in Wolf’s position confused as to why women were still struggling. Wolf argues that as women have shed traditional values of purity and submission, they have instead become obsessed with the beauty myth. â€Å"The more legal and material hindrances which women have brokenRead More Analysis of The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf Essay590 Words   |  3 PagesAnalysis of The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf The Beauty Myth, published by Doubleday in New York City, hit the shelves in 1992. Naomi Wolf wrote this 348-page book. Wolf attended Yale University and New College, Oxford University, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. Her essays have been printed in many well-known magazines and newspapers, including Esquire and the New York Times. The Beauty Myth was Wolf’s first book. She has also written two other books, Fire With Fire and PromiscuitiesRead MoreThe Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women by Naomi Wolf1669 Words   |  7 Pageswell? What does beauty is only skin deep really mean? I always thought what made a person truly and genuinely beautiful, is whats on the inside. So often, we judge women on their appearance first, then their abilities. Did you ever wonder how this came about and why we all do this today? dont try to deny it, were all shallow and addicted to entertainment, its simply our culture, our way of life. Naomi wolf tries to explain the reasoning and ideas behind the beauty myth. She defines it andRead MoreFeminism And Popular Culture : Gender Relations And Feminist Issues1336 Words   |  6 Pagesand lives outside of the home. In fact, Naomi Wolf’s idea of these themes, as described in The Beauty Myth, can be perceived in popular portrayals of women, as their appearances are considered central to their role in the plot. Examples of this include the reality television show, The Bachelor, and the science fiction film, The Stepford Wives. Naomi Wolf’s popular discussion in her book, The Beauty Myth, was influential for its perspective on the pressures on women to conform to a standardized ideaRead MoreWomen s Beauty : A Woman s Worth With Her Beauty1487 Words   |  6 Pagesthere is nothing worse for a female character than being ugly and this is reflected in the beauty myth that women face outside fairy tales as well. Fairy tales equate a woman’s worth with her beauty. Americans do this as well by pitting beauty against internal traits and individuality. In doing this, women continue to receive their beauty myths from men, compete with other women and pass these unreachable beauty standards onto the next generation of women. With fairytales, it is what’s on the outsideRead MoreIs Beauty a Social Construct? Essay1240 Words   |  5 Pagesepidemic of eating disorders†. In 1991, Naomi wolf’s bestseller the beauty myth claimed the obsession with beauty was the result of a cultural conspiracy seeking to undo psychologically and covertly all the good things that feminism did for women. She argues that ideology of beauty is the last, best belief system that keeps male dominance intact and that womens magazines have played a pivotal role in the selling of the beauty myth. If, as Jean Kilbourne suggests, the media and advertising teach usRead MorePersonal Statement : Personal Media1730 Words   |  7 Pageslook that way as well. I try to remind myself that I am fine just the way that I am, but it tends to slip my mind when I look at those pictures. The Beauty Myth written by Naomi Wolf states, â€Å"We are in the midst of a violent backlash against feminism that uses images of female beauty as a political weapon against women’s advancement: the beauty myth† (Wolf). This explains one of the dangers that the media reinforces and wires into young women’s minds. And it is harmful to not only young women, butRead MoreAnalysis Of Being A Man 888 Words   |  4 Pages Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or so it seems. Society implements the standard of beauty in our everyday lives. It controls what roles women are expected to perform. A similar anticipation goes for men, but for â€Å"masculinity’. Every individual man is supposed to be masculine and have some sort of manly quality. Paul Theroux in â€Å"Being a Man† discusses how as a male, one is expected to meet society’s standards of masculinity. He as well mentions his reasoning on why that principle of behavior

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Consumer Behaviour - Holiday Decision Making Process

CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR: HOLIDAY DECISION MAKING PROCESS SUMMARY: Decisions are omnipresent in the daily lives of human beings. Being tireless decision makers, it stands to reason then that we understand the forces that drive decision making. The following report seeks to critically evaluate the long-held traditional ‘rational problem- solving and cognitive model’ of the consumer decision making process against the background of the holiday decision making patterns of the modern consumer. The one striking aspect of all the theories thus far was the portrayal of the consumer as a logical, rational decision maker who made complex choices based on reason, rational thinking and minimal risk-taking. The five cognitive stages that a consumer goes†¦show more content†¦The model places due importance on the notion of goal-attainment as a vital component of consumer behaviour (Schiffman, Kanuk and Hansen, 2007). The cognitive paradigm represents the ‘problem-solving, rational consumer’ and, to a lesser degree, the emotional consumer. It describes the process of various steps leading to the culmination, i.e, making a purchase. Most consumer behaviour models are based around this premise (Nicosia, 1966; Engel et al, 1973). However, several fundamental flaws were discovered in this theory. The most glaring one was the assumption that choices were knowledge-based and therefore the environment around the chooser was not taken into consideration. Behaviors, whether pertaining to work, pleasure or those of a discretionary nature tend to reflect causal historical explanations rather than rational ones. (Decrop, 2006) Moreover, on further observation, actual decisions are seen to be more spontaneous and less deliberate than the cognitive theory suggests. The spotlight shifted from the idea of pre-eminent rationality to the usage of subconscious ‘heuristics’ or short-cut decision rules. It is interesting to note that the process of holiday decision making is predominantly dynamic in nature. It is not marked by fixed sequential stages or an abrupt end once decisions are taken. Decisions are based on several attributes (landscape, climate, amenities etc.). However,Show MoreRelatedConsumer Behaviour : Holiday Decision Making Process2191 Words   |  9 Pagessolving, cognitive model’ of consumer decision making process, in light of the arguments given in the case study: ‘Holiday decision-making: an adaptable and opportunistic ongoing process.’ Every day, each one of us makes various decisions regarding different aspects of our daily routine. To be able to make these decisions, we need to be able to have alternatives. These decisions, however, are made after doing some degree of information search but not all consumer decision-making situations receive orRead MoreConsumer Behaviour Essay1310 Words   |  6 PagesCase Study: Consumer behaviour and holidays In this assignment I will be analysing the following; a case study presented on how holiday decision making varies from the traditional problem-solving model of consumer decision making. Q1 By analysing the traditional problem-solving of consumer decision making you can grasp that the market of holiday makers is more complex. The traditional method follows the concept that the consumers desire or needs creates a problem within the individual, which leadsRead MoreFactors That Affect The Holiday Choice Has Evolved Over The Ages Of Ages1090 Words   |  5 Pagesexperienced tourists between the ages of 8-12, are increasingly becoming a major influence behind family holidays. This age group have usually taken a number of holidays and have visited many different destinations across the globe. As outlined earlier Argyle (1996) makes reference to how a number of factors, age being one of them, have an effect on the holiday-taking decision-making process. This directly links to how tweens are generally now more cultured and have experienced more of life comparedRead MoreFactors That Affect The Holiday Taking Decision Making Process1318 Words   |  6 Pages Who makes the decisions in the family holiday-taking decision-making process? Critically evaluate this question by means of a detailed literature review. The purpose of this essay is to explore and document the different influences that can impact the holiday-taking decision-making process, particularly looking at the role of tweens and their voice regarding the role they play in up-front vacation decision-making. Also this essay will be looking at the role spouses play, howRead MoreA Report Of Buyer Behavior : The Consumer Decision Making Process882 Words   |  4 PagesBuyer Behaviour: The Consumer Decision-Making Process as it relates to purchasing a rental service in the classic car industry. Section 1: Introduction (about 150 – 200 words) The study of consumer behaviour examines consumer’s methods of purchasing and divestment of possessions, labour, concepts or knowledge by people, associations and companies to fulfil their necessities and desires (Keller Kotler , 2011). This is significant to marketers because with a good knowledge base about consumers theyRead MoreThe Case Household Appliance And Perfumes1336 Words   |  6 Pages The typical decision making process and that well-structured with the five processes is based on a special purposeful search by the customer. Once the problem has been recognized, customers need to acquire adequate information to resolve it. Information search is the process by customer surveys their environment for appropriate data to make a reasonable decision. The search process that consumer might follow for products category like in this case household appliance and perfumes, is differentRead MoreExplain Why It Is Important for Marketers to Understand the Consumer Decision Making Process918 Words   |  4 PagesConsumers are the centre of many marketers work. While the consumer is part of the marketing environment, it is also very important to recognise and understand the more personal and specific influences effecting consumers and the nature of the decision making process they use. Research suggests that customers go through a five-stage decision-making process when making any purchase. This is summarised in the diagram below: Figure 1, This model is important for anyone making marketing decisionsRead MoreFamily Communication Patterns : Mothers And Fathers Communication Style And Children s Influence On Family Decision Making850 Words   |  4 PagesFathers Communication Style and Children s Perceived Influence in Family Decision Making. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 19 (2), 75-95 Belch, G. E., Belch, M. A., Ceresino, G. (1985) Parental and teenage child influences in family decision making. Journal of Business Research, 13(2), 163-176. Blichfeldt, B. S., Pedersen, B. M., Johansen, A., Hansen, L. (2010) Tweens Tourists: Children and Decision-Making. Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice, 2(1), 1-24. Blood Jr., R. ORead MoreInderstanding Consumer Behaviour Towards Luxury Products14749 Words   |  59 PagesA Report On Understanding Consumer Behaviour towards Luxury Products By Jitesh Sanghvi MMS – 137, Marketing Year 2009-10 K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies Research Understanding Consumer Behaviour towards Luxury Products Understanding Consumer Behaviour Towards Luxury Products By Jitesh A Sanghvi Under the guidance of Mar. Nilesh Talreja Senior Executive Interface Communication ______________ Designation SIMSR, Mumbai K J Somaiya Institute of ManagementRead MoreConsumer Behavior of an International Chinese Student Essay1236 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Consumer behaviour is defined as the behaviour that consumers undertake in seeking, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their personal needs (Nayeem 2012). Different consumer may have different choices in purchase that is dependent on various influences. High involvement purchase sets the best example of engaging in consumer behaviour in various aspects as complex buying behaviour occurs when the consumer is highly involved

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Cultural Competence in Healthcare for Diversity- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCultural Competence in Healthcare for Diversity. Answer: Reflection Diversity within a nation brings with it both opportunities and challenges in the health care system. It has become increasingly important for the providers of care, the policy makers and the health care systems to embrace cultural competence in provision of services (Jeffreys, 2015). According to Ang and Van (2015), cultural competence can be defined as possession of the qualities and ability to provide healthcare services that are effective and that meet the social and cultural needs of the patient. When healthcare providers are culturally competent, there is a high likelihood of improvement of health outcomes and quality of care. It can also lead to a significant elimination of health disparities that result from racial and ethnic differences. This paper reflects my values, beliefs and behaviours and how they contribute or may detract me from being a culturally safe practitioner in a multicultural healthcare environment. Personal values affect the cultural competence of a healthcare provider, either positively or negatively. I have mastered the art of confidentiality. In my day to day life, I endeavour to maintain confidentiality of information revealed to me. This means that I do not share such information without the go ahead of involved parties or where such revealing will be a breach of confidentiality. I believe that this is a positive attribute and would improve my cultural competence while offering care to patients. As Shen (2015) observes confidentiality is likely to make a patient trust the health care provider and reveal even more information that is necessary for optimal care. I also possess the value and quality of integrity. Being honest leads to more trust in human relations (Han and Cho, 2015). Consequently, this would be a great contributor to cultural competence in a multicultural setting since it would mean that I am providing the patients with truthful information in every step of the care process. This is in turn likely to improve the health outcomes and quality of care. Resilience is another quality that I would boast of but only to a certain extent. I do persist in carrying on with an activity even if there seems to be little success, but after some time I tend to give up. This is an attribute that would reduce my cultural competence since sometimes events in healthcare provision would need resilience. For instance, when dealing with a patient who takes quite some time to grasp information, resilience would be a key factor to promote successful health education. As such it is a key value in ensuring cultural competence when working with people from different backgrounds (Gallagher and Polanin, 2015). The fourth value to be discussed will be empathy. In my interaction with people, I have learnt to imagine I was in their own shoes to understand how they feel and offer the help I can. This is potentially a great value when it comes to cultural competence. It would mean that I will effectively create helping relation with patients/clients and consequen tly improve the quality of care. It becomes a potential barrier to competence sometimes when it crosses over to sympathy. I easily become sympathetic. As demonstrated by Diaz, Clarke and Gatua (2015), sympathy may prevent development of a helping relationship between a healthcare provider and their patients/clients. Therefore, the attribute of empathy need to be strongly developed to reduce the incidences of sympathy. The values that one upholds play an important role in shaping their beliefs. If one has plenty of positive values, they are likely to uphold positive beliefs too. Beliefs in turn plays a role in shaping behaviour. The three (values, beliefs and behaviours) cumulatively determine the cultural competence of a person (Dauvrin and Lorant, 2015). The beliefs that I uphold and how they are likely to affect my cultural competence are discussed next. I believe that no one should be discriminated against due to their cultural background, race, gender and beliefs. I believe that such discrimination does no good and that it is unnecessary. For this reason, I can interact freely with persons of different beliefs, gender, cultural background and race. This would most likely affect my cultural competence positively. It would improve it since I would have little challenges interacting with professionals and patients/clients of different parameters mentioned above. It would however pose some challen ge where the culture of the region of work stipulates a belief that is different from mine. The second belief is that every person deserves respect and care. For this reason, I have learnt to treat other people with great care and respect just the way I would like to be treated myself. This would be a strong contributor to cultural competence. This is because I would treat my patients with outmost dignity and care. As Betancourt, Corbett and Bondaryk (2014) observes the two are likely improve the self esteem of the patients which may dramatically improve the health outcomes. The third belief is that of beauty/strength in diversity. I believe that diversity should not bring differences but unity. We all need each other for a peaceful and harmonious coexistence. The doctors, the engineers, persons with disabilities, different cultures etc., represent diversity. When we choose to see the beauty of the diversity we live well together and in peace. This belief would likely contribute positively to my cultural competence as I would view each person as unique and treat them as tha t. The fourth belief is appreciating other peoples cultures. Whenever I interact with persons from different cultures, I desist from treating my own culture as superior to theirs. Rather, I choose to believe that theirs is as important as mine. This belief would potentially contribute to my cultural competence. As demonstrated above, both values and beliefs shape a persons behaviour. In this paragraph, I am going to explore four behaviours and how they affect my cultural competence. These are directly or indirectly linked to the values and beliefs that I have explained above. Since almost all the details regarding the behaviours has been covered when discussing values and beliefs, only brief information is going to be provided here. The first behaviour is that I do respect every person. The second is that I demonstrate empathy. The third is that I appreciate each persons culture. The fourth is that I exhibit resilience. The first three behaviours are likely to make me more culturally competent. The fourth, however, as explained above, needs more improvement. I should learn to be more resilient to be more culturally competent. In conclusion, cultural competence is very important in the provision of healthcare. When the healthcare providers, the health care system and the policy makers become culturally competent, there is a high likelihood of improvement in health outcomes and the quality of care. The values, beliefs and behaviours of a person play a role in determining how culturally competent they are. They may contribute or detract one from being culturally competent. Being confidential, maintaining integrity, being empathetic contributes to this competent. Being sympathetic and not resilient enough on the other hand may detract one from being competent. The values and beliefs are directly or indirectly linked to the behaviours of a person. Consequently, they affect the cultural competence. References Ang, S., Van Dyne, L. (2015).Handbook of cultural intelligence. Routledge. Betancourt, J. R., Corbett, J., Bondaryk, M. R. (2014). Addressing disparities and achieving equity: cultural competence, ethics, and health-care transformation.Chest,145(1), 143-148. Dauvrin, M., Lorant, V. (2015). Leadership and cultural competence of healthcare professionals: a social network analysis.Nursing research,64(3), 200. Diaz, C., Clarke, P. N., Gatua, M. W. (2015). Cultural competence in rural nursing education: are we there yet?.Nursing education perspectives,36(1), 22-26. Gallagher, R. W., Polanin, J. R. (2015). A meta-analysis of educational interventions designed to enhance cultural competence in professional nurses and nursing students.Nurse Education Today,35(2), 333-340. Han, S. Y., Cho Chung, H. I. (2015). Development of a cultural competence scale for nursing students.Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing,45(5), 684-693. Jeffreys, M. R. (2015).Teaching cultural competence in nursing and health care: Inquiry, action, and innovation. Springer Publishing Company. Shen, Z. (2015). Cultural competence models and cultural competence assessment instruments in nursing: a literature review.Journal of Transcultural Nursing,26(3), 308-321.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Psychology Why IQ Tests Dont Test Intelligence The Task Of Trying To Q

Psychology Why IQ tests don't test intelligence The task of trying to quantify a person's intelligence has been a goal of psychologists since before the beginning of this century. The Binet-Simon scales were first proposed in 1905 in Paris, France and various sorts of tests have been evolving ever since. One of the important questions that always comes up regarding these tools is what are the tests really measuring? Are they measuring a person's intelligence? Their ability to perform well on standardized tests? Or just some arbitrary quantity of the person's IQ? When examining the situations around which these tests are given and the content of the tests themselves, it becomes apparent that however useful the tests may be for standardizing a group's intellectual ability, they are not a good indicator of intelligence. To issue a truly standardized test, the testing environment should be the same for everyone involved. If anything has been learned from the psychology of perception, it is clear that a person's environment has a great deal to do with their cognitive abilities. Is the light flickering? Is the paint on the walls an unsettling shade? Is the temperature too hot or too cold? Is the chair uncomfortable? Or in the worst case, do they have an illness that day? To test a person's mind, it is necessary to utilize their body in the process. If everyone's body is placed in different conditions during the testing, how is it expected to get standardized results across all the subjects? Because of this assumption that everyone will perform equally independent of their environment, intelligence test scores are skewed and cannot be viewed as standardized, and definitely not as an example of a person's intelligence. It is obvious that a person's intelligence stems from a variety of traits. A few of these that are often tested are reading comprehension, vocabulary, and spatial relations. But this is not all that goes into it. What about physical intelligence, convers ational intelligence, social intelligence, survival intelligence, and the slew of others that go into everyday life? Why are these important traits not figured into intelligence tests? Granted, normal standardized tests certainly get predictable results where academics are concerned, but they should not be considered good indicators of general intelligence because of the glaring omissions they make in the testing process. To really gauge a person's intelligence, it would be necessary to put them through a rigorous set of real-life trials and document their performance. Otherwise the standardized IQ tests of today are testing an extremely limited quality of a person's character that can hardly be referred to as intelligence. For the sake of brevity, I will quickly mention a few other common criticisms of modern IQ tests. They have no way to compensate for cultural differences. People use different methods to solve problems. People's reading strategies differ. Speed is not always the best way to tackle a problem. There is often too much emphasis placed on vocabulary. Each of these points warrants individual treatment, and for more information refer to The Triarchic Mind by RJ Sternberg (Penguin Books, 1988, p18-36). It is possible to classify all the reasons that IQ tests fail at their task into two main groups. The first grouping is where the tests assume too much. Examples of this flaw are the assumption that speed is always good, vocabulary is a good indicator of intelligence, and that different test taking environments won't affect the outcome. The second grouping comes because the tests gauge the wrong items. Examples of this are different culture groups being asked to take the same tests as everyone else, and the fact that the tests ignore so many types of intelligence (like physical, social, etc). These two groupings illustrate where the major failings of popular IQ tests occur and can be used as tools for judging others. IQ tests are not good indicators for a person's overall intelligence, but as their use has shown, they are extremely helpful in making predictions about how a person will perform in an academic setting. Perhaps the problem comes in the name intelligence tests when it is obvious this is not what they really are. The modern IQ test definitely has its Psychology Why IQ Tests Dont Test Intelligence The Task Of Trying To Q Psychology Why IQ tests don't test intelligence The task of trying to quantify a person's intelligence has been a goal of psychologists since before the beginning of this century. The Binet-Simon scales were first proposed in 1905 in Paris, France and various sorts of tests have been evolving ever since. One of the important questions that always comes up regarding these tools is what are the tests really measuring? Are they measuring a person's intelligence? Their ability to perform well on standardized tests? Or just some arbitrary quantity of the person's IQ? When examining the situations around which these tests are given and the content of the tests themselves, it becomes apparent that however useful the tests may be for standardizing a group's intellectual ability, they are not a good indicator of intelligence. To issue a truly standardized test, the testing environment should be the same for everyone involved. If anything has been learned from the psychology of perception, it is clear that a person's environment has a great deal to do with their cognitive abilities. Is the light flickering? Is the paint on the walls an unsettling shade? Is the temperature too hot or too cold? Is the chair uncomfortable? Or in the worst case, do they have an illness that day? To test a person's mind, it is necessary to utilize their body in the process. If everyone's body is placed in different conditions during the testing, how is it expected to get standardized results across all the subjects? Because of this assumption that everyone will perform equally independent of their environment, intelligence test scores are skewed and cannot be viewed as standardized, and definitely not as an example of a person's intelligence. It is obvious that a person's intelligence stems from a variety of traits. A few of these that are often tested are reading comprehension, vocabulary, and spatial relations. But this is not all that goes into it. What about physical intelligence, convers ational intelligence, social intelligence, survival intelligence, and the slew of others that go into everyday life? Why are these important traits not figured into intelligence tests? Granted, normal standardized tests certainly get predictable results where academics are concerned, but they should not be considered good indicators of general intelligence because of the glaring omissions they make in the testing process. To really gauge a person's intelligence, it would be necessary to put them through a rigorous set of real-life trials and document their performance. Otherwise the standardized IQ tests of today are testing an extremely limited quality of a person's character that can hardly be referred to as intelligence. For the sake of brevity, I will quickly mention a few other common criticisms of modern IQ tests. They have no way to compensate for cultural differences. People use different methods to solve problems. People's reading strategies differ. Speed is not always the best way to tackle a problem. There is often too much emphasis placed on vocabulary. Each of these points warrants individual treatment, and for more information refer to The Triarchic Mind by RJ Sternberg (Penguin Books, 1988, p18-36). It is possible to classify all the reasons that IQ tests fail at their task into two main groups. The first grouping is where the tests assume too much. Examples of this flaw are the assumption that speed is always good, vocabulary is a good indicator of intelligence, and that different test taking environments won't affect the outcome. The second grouping comes because the tests gauge the wrong items. Examples of this are different culture groups being asked to take the same tests as everyone else, and the fact that the tests ignore so many types of intelligence (like physical, social, etc). These two groupings illustrate where the major failings of popular IQ tests occur and can be used as tools for judging others. IQ tests are not good indicators for a person's overall intelligence, but as their use has shown, they are extremely helpful in making predictions about how a person will perform in an academic setting. Perhaps the problem comes in the name intelligence tests when it is obvious this is not what they really are. The modern IQ test definitely has its

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How Many Questions Can You Miss for a Perfect ACT Score

How Many Questions Can You Miss for a Perfect ACT Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Lots of students strive for that perfect 36 ACT composite score. You might think you need a completely perfect test, but that's not the case. You have some leeway in how many questions you can miss and still get a 36. In this article, I'll explain my research into official ACT grading scales, and I'll tell you how many questions you can get wrong and still get that 36. How Is the ACT Scored? To understand how many questions you can get wrong and still get a perfect score, you need to understand how the ACT is scored. For a more in-depth explanation, check out our other article: How is the ACT Scored? In brief, the ACT is made up 4 sections: Math (60 questions), Reading (40 questions), Science (40 questions) and English (75 questions) plus Writing (1 Essay). The essay is not factored into your overall composite score, so I am not going to discuss it further in this article. If you're curious about the essay, read our other article: How to Write an ACT Essay: Step by Step Example. Unlike the SAT, you do NOT get points deducted for wrong answers, so it is to your advantage to bubble in any questions you can’t answer since you won’t be penalized for wrong answers.For each section, you are givena raw score, which is simply the number of questions you answered correctly, and then that raw score is converted into a scaled score. The raw score to scaled score conversion varies each ACT test date, but the ACT provides a table in their Preparing for the ACT guide that estimates how each section’s raw scores will be converted into scaled scores. Here it is: Once you have the scaled scores for each section, you simply add the 4 section scores together and divide by 4 (aka averaging) and then you have your composite score.If your score ends up with a decimal, it is rounded. i.e. if it is a 35.4, it is rounded to 35, and if it is 35.5, it is rounded to 36. Now let's get back to the original question. How Many Questions Can You Miss and Still Get a Perfect 36 Composite Score? The answer is a little complex (and I will explain it further), but you can typically get between 0 and 2 questions wrong in total across all four sections.The reason the answer is more complex is that the scoring for each section of the test is different, and the scoring for each section varies by test date (as you can see in the chart above and as I will explain further below). If you want to get a 36, you need to get a 36 on at least 2 of the sections.Here are the breakdowns: (36+36+36+36) / 4 = 36 (36+36+36+35) / 4 = 35.75 (rounds up to 36) (36+36+35+35) / 4 = 35.5 (rounds up to 36) (36+36+36+34) / 4 = 35.5 (rounds up to 36) NOTE: you cannot get a 33 on any individual sectionif you want to get a composite score of 36. As I said, the scoring of each section varies by test date. So, to give you a better idea of the typical number of questions you can get wrong for a 36 in each section, Ihave analyzed 5 different ACT score charts: Section Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 English 0 0 0 0 0 Math 0 0 0 0-1 0 Reading 0 0-2 0 0 0 Science 0 0 0 0 0 You can see that to get a 36 in English, Reading, Math or Science, youtypically need to get 0 wrong. Occasionally, a test will allow 1 or 2 mistakes, but that is a rarity, so you should plan for 0 wrong to get a 36 in any of the sections. Since you can get up to two 35s on individual sections (if you get 36s on the other sections, as I showed above), I have also analyzed the same tests for thenumber of questions you can get wrong for a 35 in each section: Section Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 English 1 1-2 1-2 1-2 2-3 Math 1 1-2 1 2-3 1-2 Reading 1 3 1 1 1 Science N/A* N/A* 1 1 1 *Science sections labeled N/A means you are not able to score a 35 on those tests in the Science section. 1 question wrong drops you to a 34 in Science on those tests. Since the scoring varies so much between test dates for each section, to be safe, you should aim to get at most 1 wrong in any section to get a 35. While you may, in fact, end up being able to get more wrong, you cannot be sure have harsh or easy your test grading will be and should plan for harsher grading. Since you can get up to one 34 on an individual section (if you get 36s on the other sections, as I showed above), I have also analyzed the same tests for thenumber of questions you can get wrong for a 34 in each section: Section Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 English 2 3-4 3-4 3-4 4 Math 2 3-4 2 4-5 3 Reading 2 4 2 2 2 Science 1 1 N/A* 2 2 *The science section labeled N/A means you are not able to score a 34 on that test in the Science section. 2 questions wrong drops you to a 33 in Science on that test. If you are aiming to get a 34 on 1 section and 36 on the rest to get a 36 composite score, you should aim for at most 2 wrong on that section. As I said before, while the scoring varies, and you could technically have gotten up to 4-5 wrong on certain sections on certain test dates to get a 34 on that section, you need to plan for the worst case scenario, so plan that you will get a 34 if you get 2 wrong. Any way you calculate it, you can miss or skip a maximum of 2 questions to get a 36 composite score.That's not a lot, so if you're hoping for a perfect score, you will need a lot of practice. What Does This Mean If You're Aiming for a 36? For the whole test, you need to have the pacing down and make sure you can finish.You cannot afford to miss or skip many questions, so first and foremost make sure the timing will not be a problem for you. You should determine which sections are your strongest and weakest.For example, if you are excellent in Math, Science, and Reading and weaker in English, focus on getting the Math, Science, and Reading close to perfect to get a 36, so you can afford to miss or skip 3 or 4 in English and get a 34. What's Next? Need help preparing for the ACT? Check out guides to the ACT Reading, Math, English, and Science sections.Taking the ACT very soon? Read our guide to cramming for the test. Not sure where you want to go to college? Check out our guide to finding your target school.Also, figure out yourtarget ACT score. Thinking about getting a job while in high school? Check out our guide to the 8 best jobs for teensand learn how to find yours! Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Good Friday and Easter

Good Friday and Easter Good Friday and Easter Good Friday and Easter By Maeve Maddox Reader Elaine Peters wonders if the word Good in Good Friday has anything to do with the word God, pointing out that the English good-bye is a shortened version of the once common expression God be with ye. The word goodbye is the result of running words together until theyve dwindled into a compressed version of the original. The English words good and god, however, are not related. Both stem from Indo-European roots. The word god meaning deity, is thought to come from a word meaning that which is invoked. Or, It could come from a different Indo-European word meaning to pour as in the pouring of a libation. The word good, meaning having a desirable quality, comes from a Proto-Indo- European base word with the meaning to unite, be associated, suitable. Like the word nice, good can be used in so many contexts that it is probably a word to be avoided by careful writers. For example, good can have the following meanings: prosperous: He makes a good living. beneficial: Spinach is good for you. welcome: The doctor gave him good news. fertile: The land isnt very good in this area. attractive: Actors must have good looks. genuine: This money is not good. advantageous: I got a good deal on this couch. Among the many meanings of good are virtuous, moral, and wise. One of the meanings of the word holy is infinitely good. From such meanings come the expressions the Good Book and Good Friday. To call the day of the crucifixion of Jesus Good Friday could seem a little perverse, but seen from the perspective of Christian belief, the day marks the salvation of mankind and the triumph over death. For that reason it is called Good Friday in the Christian calendar. The Christian use of the word Easter for the religious celebration of the passion and death of Christ is one of those ironies of linguistic history. The word Easter derives from the name of an ancient Germanic goddess of fertility and sunrise, Austron. Her feast was celebrated at the spring equinox. Anglo-Saxon converts to Christianity adopted the name and, according to the Venerable Bede, some of the practices of the old worship for their Mass of the Resurrection as well. The word east derives from the same word as does the name of the goddess. The German word for Easter is similar: Ostern, but most European languages use words derived from Medieval Latin pascha: French: PÃ ¢ques Dutch: Pasen Italian: Pasque Spanish: Pascua Portuguese: Pscoa* Russian: nacxa [pass-kha]* (with thanks to Andre, Andriano, and Alexey) The Latin word come from a Hebrew word which passed into Aramaic as pasha and from there into Greek and Latin. William Tyndale, translating the Bible in 1530, translated Hebrew pesah as pass over. During the Middle English period, some writers used the word Pasche for Easter, but the pagan word is the one that has survived into modern English. Even though English speakers use Easter as the name of the festival, they do have an adjective, paschal, that has the meaning of or pertaining to Easter. One of my family traditions was the eating of the Paschal Egg on Easter morning. We cut one of our colored eggs, usually a purple one, into four pieces, one for each member of the family. I suppose that an Easter egg hunt could be referred to as a paschal event. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One SpellingThe Possessive Apostrophe6 Foreign Expressions You Should Know

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Speech Recognition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Speech Recognition - Essay Example Normal human interaction is verbal and nonverbal (facial expressions). A logical progression in computer technology should be a move away from keyboard and mouse interaction and toward verbal or facial recognition technology. Biotechnology already exists in the form of fingerprint recognition and speech recognition programs. Fingerprint recognition simply plots three points of a fingerprint and gives it a numerical equivalent. Many school systems use fingerprint recognition programs to speed up their lunch lines. Students simply put their thumb on the reader, their print is recognized, and their account is charged for the lunch. In 1965 Gordon Moore made a prediction that computer technology would double about every two years. Specifically, Moore predicted that the number of transistors on a chip would double every two years and that chip size would gradually become smaller. More capacity would open up the possibility to run more and more complex programs. The increased capacity was achieved by each chip having the ability to hold more and more transistors over time. Moore's law is very important because the computer technology of the 1960's would need to increase capacity to handle programs such as speech recognition and facial recognition programs. ... Moore's law has held true. Chip technology has doubled capacity at approximately two year intervals since 1970. Intel's Duel Core Itanium 2 Processor holds approximately 1,000,000,000 transistors compared to the 8088 processor of the 70's which held approximately 15,000 transistors. Speech Recognition A keyboard/mouse interface with computer systems is a design that followed the logical progression from typewriters to computer based word-processing programs. But, this interface does not replicate how people communicate with one another. Natural communication is verbal and includes facial recognition as well. As computers have become integrated into just about every sector of society their uses have become more varied (away from simple word-processing). It is only logical that interfaces should change and evolve as well. Speech recognition technology moves users away from keyboard/mouse interfaces and toward an interface that is more natural for the user. A speech recognition program includes both synthesizers and recognizers. These two devices replicate human interaction by taking human speech and turning it into text (recognizer) and taking text and turning it into speech (synthesizer). Anyone who has used computerized telephone answering services knows that, although recognizable as speech, computers do not do an adequate job of replicating tones of voice or accents found in normal speech patterns. The most up to date speech recognition program on the market is Window's Vista. Intel technologists are working on an AVSR (Audio Visual Speech Recognition) program that will upgrade technology that exists in the form of an audio visual interaction program. Technological advances, such as speech recognition technology, will allow

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Quitting Smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quitting Smoking - Essay Example One of the major reasons for reverting back to smoking is that it has become a source of leisure time for me and an excuse to get outside the house for a breath of fresh air, a walk around the block or to the store. Still, the endeavors of quitting smoking have been a result of the realization of the financial, as well as the health problems related to it. The cost of a cigarette pack may seem trivial to an occasional smoker but the small amount of $7 tends to have a significant effect on the budget of a serious smoker who has greater consumption than an occasional one. Alongside the monetary effect of the addiction, smoking tends to increase one’s chances of getting cancer. It is usually witnessed that some instances prove to be life altering and compel the individual to adopt different paths. One such incident also took place in my life that made me realize that the harmful habit of smoking tends to effect the smoker, as well as the people around him. This notion was realized when I had to face the dilemma of having a 17 year old move into my mother’s house. His transition into my mother’s house not only meant that a teenager was being exposed to smoking all the time, it also brought up the situation in which he wanted me to sponsor his smoking. When this occurrence was revealed to my sister, she was very concerned about her son’s well being and disappointed in me for being an unconstructive influence on her son’s life. After suffering ethical issues and disappointment from my family, I finally took the decision of quitting smoking and trying to relieve myself from its addiction. Alongside making the decision of quitting smoking, I encouraged my nephew to quit too but my nephew turned a deaf ear to all of my reasoning of quitting smoking. My decision also proved to come in between my relationship with him since our common ground of communication had disappeared. Still, I stayed persistent and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

All characters in the novel Of Mice and Men are lonely Essay Example for Free

All characters in the novel Of Mice and Men are lonely Essay All characters in the novel Of Mice and Men are either lonely, bored or in need of escaping from the soulless existence of the itinerant labour. It is based on a society of men leading empty lives, trapped in a lonely life, consisting mainly of hard physical work. There was not enough happiness, love and affection in their lives. The novel is set in California, the Southern states of America, in the 1930s around the time of the Great Depression. The ranch is based in Soledad; which is the Spanish word for Loneliness. The bunkhouse that the men sleep and live in is a long and rectangular building. The walls are white washed and the floor unpainted. In three of the four walls are small, square windows. In the fourth one was a solid door with a wooden latch. There are eight bunks, all with a nailed apple box over them with the opening forward. This made two small shelves for the personal belongings of each ranch hand occupying the certain bunk. On these shelves were little articles, soap, razors, talcum powder, Western magazines, medicines, little vials, combs and a few neckties. There was also a black cast iron stove, and a big square table in the centre of the room, with scattered playing cards across it, and surrounding the table were boxes for the men to sit on. The bunkhouse also had lice and roaches in it! Carlson and the other ranch hands all dream of owning their own land and living and working from this, resulting in wealth and happiness. This was known as the American Dream, this is shown as an opportunity to all people no matter how rich or poor they are. There is a lot of government propaganda, informing people that if they work hard and push their ambitions to the limit, they can make this dream reality. However they all knew, no matter how hard they worked or how successful they were, it was very unlikely of this dream ever becoming reality. Their way of escaping this disappointment was to collect their fifty bucks at the end of the month and of a weekend spend all of it on women and alcohol, usually at the nearest cat-house. During the week they play cards games or horseshoes. Crooks is very lonely, this is due to the fact that he is coloured and everyone knows him as a nigger! He is treated completely differently to all the others, an outsider. He is also crippled, after a horse kicked him and severely damaged his back. In the 1930s it was very racist in America and the coloured people werent allowed to speak up or were too scared to defend themselves in fear of what the white people would do to them. This is the situation Crooks is in. However he is the only coloured person at the ranch, so he has to accept all racial comments on his own. He has his own separate room, which isnt even a room it is a shed that leans off the side of the barn wall. He is isolated from everyone else, therefore unable to socialise. On one occasion Lennie entered the barn to see his pup. He saw Crooks light shining and stood in the doorway of Crooks room. Crooks saw him and said sharply you got no right to come in my room. This heres my room. Nobody got any right in here, but me. He then followed with I aint wanted in the bunkhouse and you aint wanted in my room, they play cards in there, but I cant play because Im black. They say I stink. Well, I tell you all of you stink to me. Crooks reads to amuse himself when he has nothing better to do. This keeps his mind off of the atmosphere and situation he is surrounded by in his everyday life. Curleys wife is perhaps one of the loneliest characters, trapped in her strict and original womans/wifes role. Her daily routine only ever consists of her doing housework, such as cooking Curleys dinner, washing Curleys clothes, making Curleys bed, cleaning Curleys house, etc. If Curley catches her talking to the ranch hands he is always very annoyed by it, she is to stay in the house. She is known as Curleys wife, no one knows her name so they cannot call her by it. One time when she enters the bunkhouse and begins to talk to the ranch hands, Crooks suggests Maybe you better go along to your own house now. We dont want no trouble. It is this idea that she is trouble that makes Curleys wife so upset and angry. Well, I aint giving you no trouble. Think I dont like to talk to somebody ever once in a while? Think I like to stick in that house alla time? Having a husband even makes her loneliness worse, because Curley is so strict about whom she socialises with and what she does. She calls him sarcastically a Swell guy, who Spends all his time sayin what hes gonna do to guys he dont like, and he dont like nobody. Curleys wife tries to escape her loneliness and sadness by dreaming of being an actress or a model. She had been offered the chance before I tell you I could of went with shows An a guy tol me he could put me in pitchers. Curleys wife is also very good at flirting, this attracts male attention. Therefore just for a moment she is listened to and is the centre of attention, this moment matters so much to her because she is being paid attention to for once, that she makes a very bad habit of it. However the ranch hands have got used to her scheming ways and do not want to risk getting canned because of a tart. However Lennie and George are different to the other ranch hands, they may live a lonely existence, but they have each other. Other than the other ranch hands expressing their feelings about their hopes, dreams, lonely lives etc, George and Lennie are the only characters we really get to know. All other ranch hands havent got a family or anything to look forward to, but it is different with George and Lennie; they believe they have a future and as long as they have got each other, it doesnt matter whether they have a family or not. These men love each other. They talk to each other and know that the other cares for them, because George looks after Lennie, and Lennie looks after George. However, George has a much greater job in looking after Lennie, than Lennie has in looking after George. Lennie is a bit of a dunce and is always forgetting things, but George has the brains. They both are physically well built, but Lennie does not realise his own strength sometimes, he is dangerously strong. Lennie is the physical side of the pair, whereas George is the mental. The fact that they have each other gives them more of a chance of success, than the other ranch hands. Lennie loves George to tell him what; one-day things will be like. Their dream is to one day buy a little house, with a ten acres, a winmill, a kitchen, an orchard to grow cherries, apples, peaches, cots, nuts, and a few berries, a section on the land to grow alfalfa that Lennie will use to feed the rabbits with, hutches and pens full with pigs, chickens, cows, goats, cats, pigeons, a dog and rabbits that Lennie could pet, a smoke house so they could kill the pigs and then smoke it, for smoked ham and bacon etc, and for them to literally live off the fatta the lan'. They would only work six or seven hours a day. Lennie likes to pet, smooth, soft, furry things, as a kind of comfort. Other than for George and animals, love and affection are withheld, not only from Lennie, but also for all the ranch hands. This is why they have their own individual comfort or way of escaping from the repetitive daily routine and loneliness. Candy is a dissimilar character from the other ranch hands. He is very lonely and sad. He has no hand, but a very old dog that he cares for very much. This dog is similar to Candy. They are both very old and when Carlson shoots the dog, because it smells, has no teeth, he cannot eat, is stiff with rheumatism, is nearly blind and Carlson thinks it will be better to put the dog out of his ageing misery. Candy wants people to treat him once he is canned like this. This is because he wont have no place to go, an he cant get no more jobs. The other ranch hands say that he can replace the dog with one of Lulus pups, but of course that wouldnt be the same, never is anyone or anything the equivalent, everyone and everything is unique. Candy seems to think that when he is dead, people will say the same thing about him. When a new ranch hand comes and replaces him, hell be forgotten. For obvious reasons Candy is upset and hurt by this. It is as if the characteristics of his dog and the way the other men treat the dog, symbolises Candy. Candy wants to join George and Lennie in their dream. Candy has already got three hundred bucks and another fifty coming at the end of the month, when the men get paid. He explains that he aint much good, but I could cook, tend the chickens, and hoe the garden some. Then when George and Lennie get their fifty bucks each at the end of the month, they will have four hundred and fifty bucks, and although the woman wants six hundred bucks, George thinks she will accept their offer as a deposit and then George will get a job and start to collect the rest, while Candy and Lennie could work on the land as well as sell eggs etc, making more money. This is Candys route of escaping. Everything seems to be falling into place and their dream looks like it could become reality. This is everything a man wants and Candy is thrilled he is part of it. However much their dream looks real, it all ends when Curleys wife tries her old tricks with Lennie. Curleys wife enters the barn, as Lennie sits there mourning over his pup, he has just accidentally killed! George has already warned Lennie about Curleys wife, says she is trouble, so Lennie refuses to talk to her, George says I aint to have nothing to do with you- talk to you or nothing. Curleys wife says in a innocent voice, All the guys got a horse-shoe tenement goin on, so Why cant you talk to me? She eventually persuades Lennie that it is safe to talk to her. They talk for ages and Lennie tells her how he likes to pet nice things with my fingers, sof things. She tells Lennie to feel right here, on her hair. Lennie was enjoying stroking her hair until she warned him not to muss it up. She then got angry because Lennie wasnt listening to her. She went to pull away and Lennie clasped his fingers tightly in her hair and wouldnt let go. She began to shout, you let go. Lennie began to get scared because he thought George would hear and go mad. He covered her mouth and nose to prevent her screaming, and continued to beg her to be quiet. She continued to struggle and he shook her. Suddenly her body flopped like a fish. She was dead! Lennie ran to the brush that George had told him to hide in when they first arrived in Soledad if he ever got into trouble. When Candy found Curleys wife dead and told all the ranch hands, they all knew it was Lennie! Most of the men wanted to kill Lennie, but George got there first. George knew that Lennie would be scared if half a dozen men ran towards him shooting, but if George was to do it at the back of his head, just like Candys old dog it would be pain free. When George found him, Lennie asked for the story of their dream to be told to him and questioned George why he wasnt mad at him, but obviously if this was Georges last moments with Lennie he didnt want to be mad at him. As George told the story and paused every so often, Lennie would say go on or Gonna do it soon as if he knew what George was about to do and was encouraging George to get it over and done with. George finally shot Lennie. Lennie jarred forward and the settled peacefully as he lay on the sand. George just sat stiffly and silently n the bank, looking at his hand that had just pulled the trigger disgustedly. George knew it was for the best, where ever they were to go Lennies unrecognised strength would lead to trouble; it had already, both in Weed and Soledad. Lennie was trapped by his strength. Although, Lennie has now been released from pain by no longer being able to kill others and from not getting shot by half a dozen men cruelly, but peacefully by George. The upsetting thing is, that Lennie was so afraid of being alone and away from George, and now he was just that. It was all over!!! George is now free; he is no longer trapped by his want of freedom, of constantly looking after Lennie. I think the novel tries to give us the message that people try to lead their lives as successfully as possible, in order to result in the best possible outcome. However this is very hard to succeed. The ranch hands wanted the American Dream to become reality, but is very unlikely and as shown does not happen. The novel gave a very positive view of the American dream, but this is erroneous and does not come true. The chances of finding true, lasting friendship and happiness are also very unlikely as it is always spoilt by misfortune, arguments, inconveniences and sometimes death, as in this case.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Internal Structure Of The Earth :: essays research papers

What is the evidence for our knowledge of the internal structure of the Earth?As we enter the twenty first century we are beginning to learn more and more about the composition of the Earth. Early predictions have thrown up some rather strange and peculiar thoughts as to what is making up our Earth, but now day ¡Ã‚ ¦s scientists can be confident that the Earth is made up of what they think. As from experiments and other sources of information a picture to what is really down there is becoming much clearer.So how do these scientists know that the Earth ¡Ã‚ ¦s sections are made up of different compositions, and how do we know that the physical state of each layer is what it is?The outmost layer of the Earth is the crust, this is what we stand on and covers the earth entirely. It is made up of many different rocks and minerals, we know that the composition of the Earth ¡Ã‚ ¦s crust is generally the same due to the mines and boreholes that humans have made down into it. Mines that have been dug go down and still bring up valuable minerals that can be found just as close to the Earth ¡Ã‚ ¦s surface. The deepest goes down around 3km into the earth, and the temperature is 70 ¢XC, the only way for miners to work is because of the air conditioning, and still the type of rock looks the same all around. Also boreholes that have been drilled as far as half way into the Earth ¡Ã‚ ¦s crust bring up rocks that look very similar to the ones on the surface. So scientists can safely say that the Earth has a crust which is very similar in composition all the way down until the mantle is reached.When earthquakes happen they produce two types of waves P-waves and S-waves. Primary waves (p-waves) are the fastest waves, they travel away from a seismic event. Primary waves are longitudinal, they can travel through solids, liquids and gases. The secondary waves (s-waves) travel slower than the primary waves, and are traverse waves. This type of wave can only travel through solids. Measuring these waves is called seismology.Scientists have known for a long time that the lava, which comes out from volcanoes when they erupt, was from the mantle. The asthenosphere is the probable source of much basaltic magma, this is because the velocity in S-waves is slowed down and partially absorbed in the asthenosphere.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Biguine French Movie Review

Title-Biguine Director- Jacques Boumedil Year- 2005 Type- Drama Main actors: Micheline Mona and Max Telephe 1) The main characters granddaughter narrates the story over the radio. Hermansia and Tiquitaque travel to St-Pierre with a group of other plantation workers looking for a new life and they come to a cliff and see the volcano and the harbor. They walk around the city amazed by urban the atmosphere. They are particularly interested in the jewelry and other material goods that are sold in the city center. 2) Hermansia – Hermansia is a black plantation worker who moves to St-Pierre to pursue her passion to be a singer.At first she is reluctant to embrace the city but eventually her music becomes popular and up lifts her community. Her lyrics capture her desire to live life to the fullest and rise up from the oppression the black community faces from that French and Europeans on the island. Tiquitaque- Tiquitaque is Hermansia’s husband and is also a musician. He is ex cited to be in a new city but disappointed that wealthy individuals will not hire him and his wife to perform at their social functions. The upper class does not like the rural black music that the two play, especially the drums which were popular among the slaves in the plantations.However, Tiquitaqu learns to play the clarinet and develops his own style of music that is popular among the upper class and lower class alike. The Creole music is high tempo and inspires movement and dance. 3) The film takes place in St-Pierre, Martinique. 4) At first Hermansia and Tiquitaque are not successful as musicians so Hermansia works as a maid and Tiquitaque works on the docks. Hermansia buys Tiquitaque a clarinet and he develops his own style of music and is hired play at parties. At these parties he normally would play the waltz and polka and other European style music.Tiquitaque starts to play a style of Creole on his clarinet that inspires people around the town and unites their communities . Their Creole music, he and his wife perform at cabarets, which symbolizes freedom for the repressed lower class people. People start to enjoy the music and whites and blacks come together to dance. Their music becomes extremely popular in the city. At the end of the movie, the volcano next to the city erupts and symbolizes the new culture that is developing in Martinique in the ninetieth century. 5) Overall, I did not enjoy this film because the plot was not well developed and the movie didn’t have any action.The majority of the movie was listening to the couple sing. Although, the music was beautiful the movie did not have much substance. Therefore, I would not recommend this movie to anyone. 6) I learned a lot about Martinique’s culture while watching this movie. I saw many landmarks in the city of St-Pierre including the volcano. I also listened to Creole music for the first time and I enjoyed its upbeat rhythm. Additionally, Martinique was French colony in the ni netieth century and its main export was sugar. Thus, many slaves where brought from Africa to work on the plantations, which resulted in a large black community on the island.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Cognitive Therapy Case Conceptualization

The client: Elena Elena is an adolescent female, coming to the therapy process demonstrating through actions and words a great deal of anxiety and overall apathy for her situation. Elena is a smart, socially engaged Mexican American attending public high school. She opens the session with presenting problems regarding conflict over what she might do after high school. Preliminary conceptualization from a cognitive perspective Overall, there is an obvious feeling of disempowered regarding her right and or ability to make life decisions.She comes from a close-knit family, though some of her siblings have moved away to seek out goals beyond those that they may feel their parents are putting upon them. She has recently begun to disengage academically and socially as she feels the urgency of choosing to adhere to family tradition or to go out on her own, like her peers. Though she says she has not yet made a decision, know that cognition mediates affect and behavior (Friedburg 101).From t his perspective a therapist might conclude that her recent apathy toward academics and isolating herself from her peers show that she indeed is letting the thoughts of â€Å"I must listen to my parents† drive her life perspective. It is promising from a cognitive standpoint, that she shows some jealousy toward her boyfriend and others: Perhaps the anger when discussing her family dynamics and recent history is most telling that Elena could benefit from Beck’s Socratic dialogue.The pluralistic views that come from her own identity within her biculturalism are strongly embedded, and the therapist demonstrated this by demonstrating lots of open questions. Letting Elena focus on herself as an individual rather than a Mexican-American could lead to meaningful exploration and collaborative cognitive change to help Elena feel more empowered.When counseling adolescents from a cognitive perspective the counselor must remember that under any circumstances this may be the first t ime that these clients might see their actions and behaviors, and question the beliefs that may have become embedded during childhood. Elena obviously needs a relatively short-term look into these feelings due to her grades slipping and applying for colleges, if she so chooses. Asking a client â€Å"what is going through your mind right now† (Murdock 337) is one of the base approaches to beginning to help the client recognize their individual thought patterns.This is a question that is difficult for many adults, and though adolescents in general can be more open to change, Elena’s worldview as a bicultural young woman is overpowering any other automatic thoughts that she might have; it is culturally appropriate for a young Mexican American to disregard her own thoughts and needs for the good of the family—which Elena does in fact voice (Rochlen 2009). As an observer to this case scenario, the challenge, due to age and culture, seems very difficult. The video dem onstrates this strong schema Elena has developed that exudes this overwhelming disempowerment.I believe this schema of overall disempowerment is deeply embedded and will be difficult to challenge through cognitive therapy. Additionally, Mexican culture tends to see the counselor as â€Å"expert† and the collaborative aspect of cognitive therapy may prove to be at the least uncomfortable for Elena, if not ineffective. Elena may continue to rely on others’ to make decisions for her, to give her an unconditional guarantee (Corey 107), if this base belief cannot be penetrated due to adherence to cultural tradition, fear of change, or if Elena is unable to begin to identify these automatic thoughts. Possible cognitive strategiesIn general, Latino Americans traditionally have strong family bonds and honor generational wisdom (Sue 377) Through the current political venue of the United States and popular culture, Mexican-Americans may fall prey to stereotypes and inherently fe el a disconnect or poor self-image: American beliefs certainly account for this inner struggle Elena is feeling. Because this is pervasive and overarching in American culture where to begin with Elena in imperative. There is a lot behind these feelings, and as an adolescent who is struggling the counselor should take these omnipresent cultural truths into consideration.It is promising to me that Elena is already speaking about her siblings: I see this as an open door for initiating questions that challenge Elena’s view of herself as a young Mexican American. I would certainly recognize Elena’s frustration and give lots of positive regard as she speaks about her presenting problem. Cognitively, I would go back to Elena’s conversation regarding the varying paths her siblings have chosen. I would respectfully move through this aspect of cognitive therapy so as to not threaten Elena’s loyalty to her family.Since Beck’s model is based on a leading rathe r than a more confrontational approach, I would use this to my advantage to allow her to explore her emotions about her siblings and their life choices. I see this as an aspect of Elena’s life experience that may allow Elena to begin to explore self-identity outside of the effects of biculturalism. Keeping the central focus of thought exploration on how she might challenge her beliefs about her life choices through reflecting on her siblings’ life choices may be a safe way to allow Elena to begin connecting the deeper thoughts behind her ability to make life choices.From a cognitive perspective and the lens of cultural identity, my goal for Elena would be for her to begin understanding that many are facing overwhelming decisions within their own cultural context. At some point everyone must decide to respect family wishes or go out on her own. Elena would be challenged to explore the beliefs she holds regarding herself as a Mexican American; she could begin to see how the complex construct is not a means to an end. Helping Elena expose automatic thoughts and change subsequent behaviors could serve to identify the struggle she will face as a bicultural woman in America today.Obviously, this grander focus this approach toward the â€Å"big picture† provides empowerment, but is daunting. Collaboratively, it would be ideal to praise Elena for exploring her identity on a grander scale. At this point, I would encourage Elena to do some homework: Her recent social isolation undermines her support system and exploration of self-identity. Many of her friends to do not sound as if they are struggling as bicultural adolescents: Meeting with a Latino cultural group on her local college campus would be an ideal way to allow her to feel empowered as well as supported.I am sure that many others have faced this kind of multicultural dilemma in their formative years, and have come up with myriad life choices. Though I can help Elena begin to understand and possibly question her core beliefs that drive her behaviors, she will need safe and pertinent ways to explore them. Elena is a very intelligent young lady, and I do think from our observation that she inherently knows that as well.Finding places and people with whom she can identify will empower her—not pressuring her into making a decision about her next step in life; with a goal toward hearing other stories of biculturalism in America and give her a comfortable place to explore her wishes for her own future and how she might find congruency between her choices and her heritage. I am certain that once her belief of what it means to be Mexican-American is challenged in some authentic way, she will begin to explore her automatic thoughts about cultural identity.My hope in working with Elena from a cognitive perspective is that she will begin to see her own identity and realize how her own thoughts had created a situation that most certainly is not the only possible scenario f or her path in life. Relevant multicultural considerations From the perspective of a bilingual educator and a culturally aware individual, I was ultimately unable to separate Elena’s biculturalism from the cognitive approaches and questioning that I would practice with Elena.Though this aspect of Elena’s life situation appears hopeless to her now, I believe through finding authentic ways to identify with successful, independent Mexican-Americans she might begin to expose the prevailing automatic thoughts leading her to these isolating, dichotomous conclusions. The last relevant multicultural aspect that I have not addressed is it would be imperative that I find an opportunity to speak with Elena’s family, and connect them with other families who are raising children in a bicultural environment.This is ideal because Latino families need opportunities to be involved in the community and support one another in myriad ways. non-productive cognitive approaches Note h ow at the beginning of this integrated discourse regarding Elena’s pull toward family tradition and sense of loss for her dreams of going to college I was careful to note which door felt safe and respectful to collaboratively open with Elena.Siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles may â€Å"stay out of family business† such as the pressure from her mother, but it would be culturally insensitive for me to have Elena challenge her thoughts and risking her attaching them to family ties. That is already were Elena is, and traditionally Mexican-Americans see the counselor as â€Å"expert,† which could disengage long-standing family traditions and dynamics. I am convinced that approaching Elena through questions about herself, her riends, her academic life, and family would have made her feel that cognition is knowable and accessible, which is an underlying foundation of Beck’s theory. If a counselor were to solely base their approach, without multicultural conside rations, on cognitive therapy with Elena as an individual it could serve to not allow herself to fully feel her human emotions, nor to bring awareness that change is central to the human process.I do not think asking Elena to explain how her beliefs construct her reality without first finding meaningful ways for her to relate to others outside of herself could she effect any change at all. Cognitive therapy, through the lens of multiculturalism, must always consider the bigger picture of what their life perspective really is: If challenged directly about her mother Elena may have only further solidified her commitment to fail at school to have a concrete reason to obey her parents.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Abortion Prices from a Clinic essays

Abortion Prices from a Clinic essays ABORTION: Through 22 menstrual weeks (Florida presently does not require parental consent or notification) A. Early Medical/Chemical Abortions (1-7 weeks) B. Surgical Abortion - One fee through 14 weeks (end of 1st trimester) 1. Lab Studies (blood 2. Video 4. Local anesthesia, nitrous oxide/O2 gas, IV sedation/analgesia 5. Partner/friend/parent (1) can accompany in surgery if desired 7. Complete physical at follow-up visit A - Early Medication Chemical $400 6 14 weeks (last menstrual period) $325 19 weeks $840 (depending on # of births) - For any competent adult male. Personal counseling. Partner may sit in - Local anesthesia: 1% lidocaine, 3cc; IV sedation/analgesia optional. Single, midline, 1/2-inch scrotal incision, closed with two sutures (self-removal in 8 days). Tube segments excised, ends cauterized. Approximately 40 minutes. - Can return to light work next day. - Includes sperm check after 10 ejaculations. - For any competent adult female. Excluded: Obese women, those with backward (retro) uterus, with very enlarged (fibroid) uterus, or who are fearful or emotionally unstable. - Mini-Laparotomy (supra-pubic) approach with field block anesthesia. Experienced assistant. Hulka clips on tubes ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Razed to the Ground

Razed to the Ground Razed to the Ground Razed to the Ground By Simon Kewin The web site reports that many monasteries were raised to the ground by Viking raiders during the reign of King Ethelred I. But how can a monastery be raised to the ground? Although commonly seen on the web, the phrase â€Å"raised to the ground† is almost always a misspelling of â€Å"razed to the ground†. Whilst it is possible for something to be â€Å"raised† to the ground, it would, logically, have to be below the surface beforehand. Miners could raise ore to the ground. But when talking about a building or a city the phrase should be razed to the ground. Raze which sounds the same as raise but is a completely distinct word is defined by the Compact Oxford Dictionary as follows : raze (also rase) verb, tear down and destroy (a building, town, etc.). - ORIGIN Old French raser ‘shave closely’, from Latin radere ‘scrape’. The more familiar raise, however, is from a completely different root : verb, lift or move to a higher position or level etc. - ORIGIN Old Norse, related to REAR. As an aside, raise can also be a noun, meaning an increase in salary, although this is standard only in US English. In UK English this would be called a rise. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Compared "to" or Compared "with"?26 Feel-Good Words20 Criminal Terms You Should Know

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Educational Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Educational Psychology - Essay Example Probing students for answers is a crucial process that enhances the learners’ cognitive skills. It helps them to think, memorise, perceive, make decisions and solve problems. Their social skills are also enhanced when they are given a chance to explain and justify their viewpoints in front of the class. Surprisingly, numerous research studies show that some teachers have not fully understand the essence of class participation and the significance of keeping students alert all the time during class sessions. It is unfortunate to find out that there are cases when students turn off and resort to sleeping after the teacher comes to class. Even worse is the fact that some teachers do little to rejuvenate these students. Some would even ridicule the sleeping students and make fun of the situation. In the end, the students’ achievement level drastically falls. Learning, therefore, becomes inadequate. The prime aim of learning should be to equip students with knowledge and skills that can positively influence their behavior. Without this change, learning is of no use. Eventually, in such classes, some few students who are ever attentive will gain while those who switch off will continue recording low scores. Paddlepop Stick Method and Popsicle Stick Method of learning are strategies that have been used by the ‘concerned’ teacher to ensure that all students are active in class. These learning strategies will actuate a learning environment where every learner actively participates in all the classes daily. This method involves inscribing of the learners’ names in popsicles sticks. These sticks are then given to the students to hold during class sessions. The teacher the initiates the lesson and when they have a question to answer, the names written on the sticks are read out. If a student’s name is mentioned, they will be the one to respond to the question. This is unlike the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Case study - Essay Example a. Identify one short term business objective and one long term business objective from a case study. You are required to provide two case examples for a short term business objective and two case examples for a long term business objective. a. List and discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of packaged (a.k.a Off-the-shelf) software. You are required to use two case studies to derive the examples for the advantages and the disadvantages. Rolls-Royce’ ERP R/3 systems is packaged system. For the implementing this system we have to re-engineer the overall business processes. Main advantages of the ERP SAP R/3 as packaged software system for the Rolls-Royce are its reduced cost, high system quality and rapid implementation. Geneva has implemented SAP R/3 system that offers enhanced services and business handling. The main advantage/ benefit of this packaged software implementation is the utilization of the currently operation resources. These can be operating system, communications middleware, and technical infrastructure needed by the entire application modules. 2. IT Portfolio – â€Å"ES rarely meet the full business requirements in an organization. In general 80% of the requirements are met with an ES, while the rest (20%) of the requirements needs to be fulfilled with alternative methods†. a. Discuss the aforementioned statement in light of two case studies. You need to discuss why ES don’t provide all organizational requirements. You should also comment and provide specific examples from two case studies on the three things that organizations employ to increase the ‘fit’ between the system functionality and business requirements. The system implemented by the Geneva business has some of the areas those are not properly addressed. These areas can be intelligent business decision making. This aspect of this business remains unaddressed and business need to implement a decision making system. a.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Impact on the Ecosystem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Impact on the Ecosystem - Essay Example This cannot rule out the vast number of negative impacts that the human population has on the ecosystem around it; human beings, over the years, have become so greedy that their actions have begun to pollute rivers and lakes as well as the air that is breathed; factories have been dumping toxic wastes everywhere possible leading to hazardous manifestations like soil erosion and deforestation, not to forget further polluting the environment and making it impossible for beings to survive. Making room for more people to live on the planet has started resulting in a clash with the existing varieties of other species that fearfully roam the earth. Even though biological communities do exist, it must be noted that human beings are overpopulating the ecosystem that they live within and in the process, making life difficult for other beings that depend on water, air and soil for their well being too. Every species plays a strong role in the environment which represents a niche; this ecologic al niche encompasses the relationship that each organism has with its environment as a single entity or as a plural society. Looking at the niche from the point of view of humans, they have been impacting the environment that they live in, rather strongly and negatively at that. Within my personal local area, an ecosystem of interest would be my neighborhood – it is made up of various kinds of plants, animals and human beings, all co-existing together. The entire area has slowly been concretized over the years however it still retains its natural environment as a small lake thrives around the corner around which a number of plants and animals exist; the area is very well greened, giving the opportunity to a number of birds as well as small animals to make their home and live there. It must be understood that an ecosystem also consists of the non-living objects that are present within it for example, the air, water, soil around the living objects which assist the living object s to survive and thus live in conjunction with each other. This is why it is important to take care of not only the living but the non-living aspects of nature; water, air and soil are very integral to the survival of any human being and thus their contamination may lead to catastrophic circumstances for living beings. Most people in the area keep pets of all kinds as well – dogs, cats, birds, turtles, fish etc. Thus, this environment may be referred to as an ecosystem because all kinds of living creatures have been undergoing a basic biotic way of life in their natural environment. Nonetheless, with time, more and more buildings and housing societies have made their way into the area and this has led to cutting down of a significant number of trees. This further, has led to a number of small animals and plants living with the help of those trees (creepers, squirrels etc.) bar their home and move to a different place to seek shelter. With respect to this paper on how the ecos ystem is being impacted, it must be understood that man has interfered within nature to the extent that every individual is now taking up a lot more space in the environment than an animal or a plant would; this means that because of manmade interventions, it has become impossible for other aspects of the environment to survive within. It is every individual’s duty to understand the harmful manner in which he is contributing

Monday, October 28, 2019

Behaviourist Learning Theory Directed Nursing Practice Nursing Essay

Behaviourist Learning Theory Directed Nursing Practice Nursing Essay According to professional standards of the College of Nursing of Ontario, the leadership expectation is not limited to nurses who are in formal leadership positions; all nurses, no matter of what kind the positions they are, have obligation to demonstrate leadership. Leadership requires knowledge to understand not only our own beliefs, values and behaviour affecting others, but also others beliefs, and values to build respect, trust, and integrity in a health care team. This course requires students choose a theoretical framework to guide developing a learning plan, and then applying the theory to a practice project for the purpose of expanding their perspective of nursing practice as an independent thinkers in the organizational or global level of hospital or community setting. My project report will review and analyze how behaviourist learning theory (BLT) directs my learning activities in clinical practice as an independent thinker to prepare myself in optimizing my future nursing practice. It includes two components: knowledge and application. The knowledge component will involve reviewing and comparing relevant content about the correlation between the generations of nursing workforce and choice of leadership style from five recent scholarly articles, identifying their strength and limitation, as well as guiding my nursing practice to achieve my learning goals. The application component includes how the acquired knowledge was utilized to guide my critical thinking process for figuring out the true reality of correlation in working setting between the generations of nursing workforce and choice of leadership style, as well as the challenges I have experienced. Knowledge Component BLT views learning as the product of the stimulant conditions and the response; its focus is mainly on what is directly observable. Behaviourist may closely observe responses and then manipulate the environment to triage more desired stimulus to bring the intended change (Bastable, 2008, p. 54). That is the inspiration I choose the stimulant conditions different choice of leadership style from different generation of nursing workforces in my questionnaire survey project, and the response my learning outcome from the project, as the core concept from BLT as literature research topic to acquire related knowledge and apply it to my project about the correlation between generational diversity and choice of leadership in my clinical placement setting. Literature Review / Five Relevant scholarly Articles In her article, Hahn (2009) clearly realized todays reality is that nursing workforce is made up of multigenerational staff. Nursing managers and their team members might hold different attitudes, beliefs, work ethics, and job expectations. The generation gap increases and creates more opportunities for misunderstanding and conflict. For both leaders and team members, the understanding generational differences would benefit in creating strength and opportunity or a source of stifling stress and conflict. How to deal with the challenge from the multigenerational diversity and develop a highly functioning and cohesive nursing team are current focuses for the nurse manager to be an effective leader. Although Hahn did not directly explain which leadership style would fit current workforce situation, the suggested strategies in her article for managers to effectively manage a multigenerational team indicate the transformational leadership to be the choice as an effective leader. Her argum ent was supported by previous researches done by Ulrich (2001), Zemke, Raines and Filipczak (2001). According to the research done by Cummings, MacGregor, Davey, Lee, Wong and Lo, et al (2010), some forms of leadership might be possible to lead to negative outcomes. They made their research from 10 electronic databases that include 53 published quantitative studies, then used content analysis to analyze these studies; 64 outcomes emerged from their analysis were classified into five categories: (1) work environment factors, (2) productivity and effectiveness, (3) staff relationships with work, (4) staff satisfaction with work, role and pay, and (5) staff health and wellbeing. Their research found the leadership styles that focused on people and relationships, such as transformational, resonant, supportive, and consideration, were reported in 24 studies, which were associated with higher nurse job satisfaction; whereas the leadership styles that focused on tasks, such as dissonant, instrumental and management by exception, were reported in 10 studies, which were associated with lowe r nurse job satisfaction. Therefore, they concluded that the leadership that focused on task completion alone is not sufficient to achieve optimum outcomes for the nursing workforce; transformational and relational leadership are needed to enhance nurse satisfaction, recruitment, retention, and healthy work environments, particularly in this current multigenerational workforce. Differently, Stanley (2008, 2010) argued that congruent leadership will be the one that can facilitate greater effectiveness when dealing with generational issues. Because this approach of leadership rests on the leaders values and beliefs that are demonstrated on leaders role modelling of their personal nursing / health care or organizational values; the actions of this leadership style are matched (or are congruent) with followers values and beliefs when dealing with multigenerational employees. Followers who have the same or similar values will support and follow these leaders because of their own values alignment. While realizing the difference of values and beliefs that are truly existed between the generational groups, Stanley emphasized that leaders core nursing / health care values are likely to offer significant common ground for this leadership approach to ensure it will be employed successfully. Kowalski, Bradley and Pappas research (2006) seems to be in a supportive posit ion to Stanleys argument. In her article, from the efficiency and positive outcome of management in a health care organization, Robbins and Davidhizar (2007) articulated there is a direct link between leadership style and staff retention, satisfaction and patient satisfaction. Currently, the changing faces in health care workforces pushes the management of nursing on the edge of the change in management strategy using effective and appropriate leadership to prompt greater success in gaining and maintaining staff satisfaction, staff retention, and then, in long run, improving patient satisfaction. Staff retention and satisfaction are the driving forces for achieving the patient satisfaction. Comparing with transactional leadership in leadership strategy, mission and vision, communication, relationship-building, they argued that transformational leadership is more effective in gaining and maintaining staff satisfaction, retention, and patient satisfaction in health care organizations. Poor leadership on a nursi ng unit leads to unhappy, unmotivated, and less dedicated staff. The underlying fundamental is that a transformational leader has the ability to effectively communicate the vision, mission, and empower nursing staff, which in turn build and promotes a healthy working environment for the entire team. Generally, Arsenault (2004) realized that todays workforce is more diverse than ever. There are many diverse issues. One of them is generational differences, which is created by a shared collective field of emotions, attitudes, preferences, and dispositions. Relatively, the differences in the unique attitudes, values, and beliefs of each generation determines how each generation views leadership, and ranks admired leadership characteristics, which correlates to their choice in leadership style and favourite leaders. He concluded that generational differences are a legitimate diversity issue that must be recognized and understood by organizations and needs to be addressed in developing current and future leaders. The leaders of organizations need to recognize and understand that a unique persona, which is developed from generational difference and already translated into a mind-set that demonstrated in different emotions, attitudes, beliefs, values, preferences, and embodied activitie s in working setting. Accordingly, this mind-set creates differences in leadership style how a person of a generation will lead or how they prefer to be led. In summary, five researches reached the common port, that is, the generational diversity is a current issue in workforce that organization and leaders must recognize and understand in designing effective and productive leadership strategy and style in creating a healthy working environment. However, for what is the correlation between generations and choice of leadership style, Stanley (2008, 2010)s articles reached his unique port; it argued the congruent leadership will be the one that can facilitate greater effectiveness when dealing with generational issues. The research done Cummings, MacGregor, Davey, Lee, Wong and Lo, et al (2010) clearly reached the conclusion that transformational and relational leadership styles will enhance nurse satisfaction, recruitment, retention, and healthy work environments in todays multigenerational workforce; because their research was based on extensive search of related database, so their conclusion derived from the evidence-based literature rev iew is highly credential and statistically significant. Also, Hahn (2009) and Robbins and Davidhizar (2007) generally articulated the nursing leaders should take transformational leadership as the core concept of their management, but their articles do not show strong evidence to support their argument. Arsenaults article emphasized the generational diversity of workforces and its impact on leadership, but he actually did not figure out which leadership could be the effective in current working environment. Summary of Behaviourist Learning Theory (BLT) According to Bastables book (2008, p.54-55), whether dealing with animals or people, BLT views the learning process as a relatively simple chain or cycle; the focus of BLT is mainly on the phenomenon that is directly observable stimulus conditions and the associations formed in the learning process; the learning process is understood as the product of the stimulus from the environment and the responses. In order to enhance the learning process leading to the desired result, behaviourists or learners can closely observe and manipulate the environment by utilizing operant conditioning techniques of positive or negative reinforcement (Skinner, 1974, 1989) to increase or decrease the stimulus, thus, to reinforce or decrease the responses to bring about the intended change. Plan of Implementation Based on my learning goal (see appendix A), I applied the acquired knowledge of BLT to my learning process through a survey project about the generational difference in the perceptive response in their admiring leadership style based on their different emotions, attitudes, beliefs, values, working ethics, preferences, and embodied activities in working setting. Each answer to the survey questionnaire is one of the stimuli for my learning process. What I learned form the project is the response of the learning process. I designed a survey questionnaire (see appendix B) about the correlation between generational difference and choice of leadership styles, randomly distributed to 55 staff in two medicine units of two hospitals, and 53 responses has been collected; the statistically valid representative sampling size is 96.36%. Statistical analysis on the response has been done (Table 1). Poster presentation (Appendix C) has been presented in my clinical placement unit for feedback. Application Component The Rationale of Choosing Behaviourist Learning Theory (BLT) BLT suggests the learning process is the product of the stimulus from the environment and the responses to the stimulus; it views the learning process as a reoccurring chain or cycle between stimulus and response through operant conditioning techniques of positively or negatively enhancing stimulus. Learning will occur while the stimulus is positively or negatively enhanced. Such a theoretic framework can be applied to health teaching process (Bastable, 2008, p. 54-60). The designation for students project from the course outline is about the learning from the project about a nursing issue in a global or organizational level of a hospital or community setting. Based on the acquired knowledge from BLT, my intention of my project design is to view the responses from the survey as stimulus for my learning about the choice on leadership style in a health care team staff would be either as a leader or a team member. Each response is one of the stimuli for my learning. More choice selecti vely occurred on one particular leadership style will become an enhanced stimulus for my learning that will give me the idea of which leadership is most admired in current health care team. In my future career, I would work as either a team member or a team leader; I have to prepare my self to be knowledgeable for these two roles. I am trying to apply BLT to my self teaching and self learning process. Actually, teaching and learning are the two phases of one process. Summary of the Process Involved in Applying BLT From the literature review, the generational difference in the perceptive response in their admiring leadership style based on their different emotions, attitudes, beliefs, values, working ethics, preferences, and embodied activities in working setting was found (Stanley, 2008, 2010; Arsenault, 2004; Weston, 2006; Kramer, 2010; Swearingen Liberman, 2004; Robbins and Davidhizar, 2007; Hahn, 2009; Cummings, MacGregor, Davey, Lee, Wong and Lo, et al, 2010). Based on this finding, my project designed a survey questionnaire to ask two questions: (1) what is your generation? (2) transactional or transformational leader: which one you would like to be or prefer? The answers to these two questions will give me two kinds of information: what is the content of current workforces and what kind of leadership style is admired more in the working setting. The answer for each respondent could be viewed as one of the stimuli for my response my learning result for my future choice of leadership in future career. 55 copies of questioner were randomly distributed to health care team of two medicine units of two hospitals, including nurses, social workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, manager, nursing educators, and unit supervisors / coordinators, clinical instructor, and nursing students. 53 copies of responses have been collected. Data has been coded and statistically analysed. The percentage of each generation in the health care teams, and the percentage of selecting transactional or transformational leader from each generation, and from the total sampling were calculated. The finding demonstrates the transformational leadership style is admired most in current working setting. This finding has been supported from the literature review of this report above. Discussion of how Gained Knowledge was Integrated into Learning Process The major components of stimulus and response of BLT were used in my learning process. Before my project survey, I had qualitative idea about the generational difference in beliefs, values, employment expectation, working ethics and orientation, but no quantitative idea about such difference, and no idea about how much their difference was in choosing working sett leadership style. Through the survey, I get the idea about how much each generation constitutes the content of health care workforce in these two units: Veterans are retired, Baby Boomers is 19%, Generation X is 53%, and Generation Y is 28%; the generation X and Y already constitutes 81% of the workforces. Among 10 answers from Baby Boomers, 2 answers chose transactional leader (20% of the generation), 8 answers chose transformational leader (80% of the generation); among 28 answers from Generation X, 4 answers chose transactional leader (14.3% of the generation), 24 answers chose transformational leader (85.7% of the gener ation); among 15 answers from Generation Y, 1 answer chose transactional leader (6.7% of the generation), 14 answers chose transformational leader (93.3% of the generation). Among the total samplings, 86.8% of answers chose transformational leader, only 13.2% of answer chose transactional leader. The finding also shows a trend of the major choices from each generation on the leadership style: from Baby Boomers to Generation Y, the percentage of the responses decreases in choosing transactional leader, and percentage increases in choosing transformational leader. It clearly demonstrates the significant difference between generations in admiring leadership style based on their different emotions, attitudes, beliefs, preferences, and embodied activities in working setting. The information analysed and concluded from the survey is the wanted stimulus for my learning it gives me the idea which leadership style could be effective and productive in a health care working environment. The m ultiple kinds of information obtained from the survey like the enhanced stimulus positively manipulated by behaviourist to strengthen my response in advocating transformational leadership as the style I will choose to be my favourite one in working environment. Challenge Encountered and Related Management Because my project about learning process involves the questioner survey, the challenge comes from the design and implementation of the survey process. The first challenge is the survey of this project is not a formal and academic survey. It is an anonymous mock survey. It does not involve in any interesting conflict and retain any private information about responders name, exact age, and gender, etc. Its purpose is limited to get the true information about the leadership style choice from different generation in the real working setting for my personal clinical learning process. So, it was not submitted to university ethics committee to seek pre-approval. The management strategy is anonymous survey and keeping the survey result within the learning process of this course. The second challenge is the design of the questioner survey. As a student project, there is no funding for rewarding the participants. Staff are busying with daily assignment and dont have spare time and compassion to answer too complicated questioner. The management strategy is to simplify the questionnaire design as much as possible, but it is still remained in detail enough to collect enough information to meet my learning goal. The third challenge is the limitation of sampling size. As a student project, it is impossible to have adequate time and financial resource to take survey in multiple units of multiple health care facilities. The management strategy is to utilize the chance of my working unit at another hospital and clinical placement unit at St. Michaels hospital to take my survey so that the sampling process will be more statistically valid and the finding will be more statistically representative from the limited sampling size. Outcome of the Project and Evaluation The outcome of the project is the finding of my survey truly demonstrates the generational difference in choosing leadership style in real working environment, which is supported from the literature review. The outcome of the project also reached my learning goal of this project: it uncovers the reality of generational difference in choosing leadership style and future trend in real working environment; and the finding is strong enough as enhanced stimulus to my response in my learning process based on BLT. Evaluation Criteria of Self-Evaluation of Learning Plan and Planning Change In my learning plan, the criterion of self-evaluation for knowledge component was set up as: able to select a specific theoretical model of leadership style based on current nursing environment. To better reflecting the learning experience from the project, I will modify it as: able to select related scholarly publication and a particular theoretical framework of leadership style based on current nursing working environment for literature review to acquire knowledge in guiding my learning process and practice project. For application component, the criterion of self-evaluation was set up as: able to develop questionnaires of assessing staff nurses values, beliefs and expectation on their choice of leadership style. To better reflecting the learning experience from the project, I will modify it as: (1) able to develop questionnaires of assessing staff nurses values, beliefs and expectation on their choice of leadership style; and (2) able to analyze the survey result and figure out the significant finding. Personal Growth and Development Before this clinical placement, I did have general idea about the generational difference in emotions, attitudes, beliefs, values, preferences, and embodied activities in working setting. However, I did not have clear idea about the generational difference in choosing leadership style in real working environment. Through applying BLT to assess staffs values, beliefs, expectation, attitude about the employment and work-life quality, and expectation of each generation on their choice of leadership style within the multiple generational cohorts, I found (1) current health care workforces is a three generation cohort, not a four generation cohort that was articulated in most of previous literatures, because Veteran generation is retired already; (2) from Baby Boomers to generation X and Y, the percentage of staff who choose transactional leadership style is linearly decreasing, the percentage of staff who choose transformational leadership style is linearly increasing; (3) presently, gen eration X is the majority in health care workforce, and generation Y is in the second place; in these two generations, the percentage of staff who chose transformational leadership style is 86% and 93%, which releases a clear information that transformational leadership style will work better for them. Totally, the outcome of the project tells me that in my future career, either as a team member or a team leader, transformational leadership was the style I should choose to work comparatively in a team or lead a team effectively. Conclusion According to the learning objective and teaching strategy of this course, a learning plan and practice project plan were developed based on the chosen theoretic framework. The project of survey was implemented in two medicine units of two hospitals. The survey result was statistically analysed and poster presentation was presented in the clinical placement unit. This report summarizes the acquired knowledge through the reviewing of five scholarly articles and the chosen theoretic framework, discussed the rationale on theoretic framework choosing, and the major concepts of BLT stimulus and response, which have been applied in my learning process. Also, the outcome of the project, experienced challenges, possible personal growth and development obtained from the project are discussed.