Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Impact on the Ecosystem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Impact on the Ecosystem - Essay Example This cannot rule out the vast number of negative impacts that the human population has on the ecosystem around it; human beings, over the years, have become so greedy that their actions have begun to pollute rivers and lakes as well as the air that is breathed; factories have been dumping toxic wastes everywhere possible leading to hazardous manifestations like soil erosion and deforestation, not to forget further polluting the environment and making it impossible for beings to survive. Making room for more people to live on the planet has started resulting in a clash with the existing varieties of other species that fearfully roam the earth. Even though biological communities do exist, it must be noted that human beings are overpopulating the ecosystem that they live within and in the process, making life difficult for other beings that depend on water, air and soil for their well being too. Every species plays a strong role in the environment which represents a niche; this ecologic al niche encompasses the relationship that each organism has with its environment as a single entity or as a plural society. Looking at the niche from the point of view of humans, they have been impacting the environment that they live in, rather strongly and negatively at that. Within my personal local area, an ecosystem of interest would be my neighborhood – it is made up of various kinds of plants, animals and human beings, all co-existing together. The entire area has slowly been concretized over the years however it still retains its natural environment as a small lake thrives around the corner around which a number of plants and animals exist; the area is very well greened, giving the opportunity to a number of birds as well as small animals to make their home and live there. It must be understood that an ecosystem also consists of the non-living objects that are present within it for example, the air, water, soil around the living objects which assist the living object s to survive and thus live in conjunction with each other. This is why it is important to take care of not only the living but the non-living aspects of nature; water, air and soil are very integral to the survival of any human being and thus their contamination may lead to catastrophic circumstances for living beings. Most people in the area keep pets of all kinds as well – dogs, cats, birds, turtles, fish etc. Thus, this environment may be referred to as an ecosystem because all kinds of living creatures have been undergoing a basic biotic way of life in their natural environment. Nonetheless, with time, more and more buildings and housing societies have made their way into the area and this has led to cutting down of a significant number of trees. This further, has led to a number of small animals and plants living with the help of those trees (creepers, squirrels etc.) bar their home and move to a different place to seek shelter. With respect to this paper on how the ecos ystem is being impacted, it must be understood that man has interfered within nature to the extent that every individual is now taking up a lot more space in the environment than an animal or a plant would; this means that because of manmade interventions, it has become impossible for other aspects of the environment to survive within. It is every individual’s duty to understand the harmful manner in which he is contributing

Monday, October 28, 2019

Behaviourist Learning Theory Directed Nursing Practice Nursing Essay

Behaviourist Learning Theory Directed Nursing Practice Nursing Essay According to professional standards of the College of Nursing of Ontario, the leadership expectation is not limited to nurses who are in formal leadership positions; all nurses, no matter of what kind the positions they are, have obligation to demonstrate leadership. Leadership requires knowledge to understand not only our own beliefs, values and behaviour affecting others, but also others beliefs, and values to build respect, trust, and integrity in a health care team. This course requires students choose a theoretical framework to guide developing a learning plan, and then applying the theory to a practice project for the purpose of expanding their perspective of nursing practice as an independent thinkers in the organizational or global level of hospital or community setting. My project report will review and analyze how behaviourist learning theory (BLT) directs my learning activities in clinical practice as an independent thinker to prepare myself in optimizing my future nursing practice. It includes two components: knowledge and application. The knowledge component will involve reviewing and comparing relevant content about the correlation between the generations of nursing workforce and choice of leadership style from five recent scholarly articles, identifying their strength and limitation, as well as guiding my nursing practice to achieve my learning goals. The application component includes how the acquired knowledge was utilized to guide my critical thinking process for figuring out the true reality of correlation in working setting between the generations of nursing workforce and choice of leadership style, as well as the challenges I have experienced. Knowledge Component BLT views learning as the product of the stimulant conditions and the response; its focus is mainly on what is directly observable. Behaviourist may closely observe responses and then manipulate the environment to triage more desired stimulus to bring the intended change (Bastable, 2008, p. 54). That is the inspiration I choose the stimulant conditions different choice of leadership style from different generation of nursing workforces in my questionnaire survey project, and the response my learning outcome from the project, as the core concept from BLT as literature research topic to acquire related knowledge and apply it to my project about the correlation between generational diversity and choice of leadership in my clinical placement setting. Literature Review / Five Relevant scholarly Articles In her article, Hahn (2009) clearly realized todays reality is that nursing workforce is made up of multigenerational staff. Nursing managers and their team members might hold different attitudes, beliefs, work ethics, and job expectations. The generation gap increases and creates more opportunities for misunderstanding and conflict. For both leaders and team members, the understanding generational differences would benefit in creating strength and opportunity or a source of stifling stress and conflict. How to deal with the challenge from the multigenerational diversity and develop a highly functioning and cohesive nursing team are current focuses for the nurse manager to be an effective leader. Although Hahn did not directly explain which leadership style would fit current workforce situation, the suggested strategies in her article for managers to effectively manage a multigenerational team indicate the transformational leadership to be the choice as an effective leader. Her argum ent was supported by previous researches done by Ulrich (2001), Zemke, Raines and Filipczak (2001). According to the research done by Cummings, MacGregor, Davey, Lee, Wong and Lo, et al (2010), some forms of leadership might be possible to lead to negative outcomes. They made their research from 10 electronic databases that include 53 published quantitative studies, then used content analysis to analyze these studies; 64 outcomes emerged from their analysis were classified into five categories: (1) work environment factors, (2) productivity and effectiveness, (3) staff relationships with work, (4) staff satisfaction with work, role and pay, and (5) staff health and wellbeing. Their research found the leadership styles that focused on people and relationships, such as transformational, resonant, supportive, and consideration, were reported in 24 studies, which were associated with higher nurse job satisfaction; whereas the leadership styles that focused on tasks, such as dissonant, instrumental and management by exception, were reported in 10 studies, which were associated with lowe r nurse job satisfaction. Therefore, they concluded that the leadership that focused on task completion alone is not sufficient to achieve optimum outcomes for the nursing workforce; transformational and relational leadership are needed to enhance nurse satisfaction, recruitment, retention, and healthy work environments, particularly in this current multigenerational workforce. Differently, Stanley (2008, 2010) argued that congruent leadership will be the one that can facilitate greater effectiveness when dealing with generational issues. Because this approach of leadership rests on the leaders values and beliefs that are demonstrated on leaders role modelling of their personal nursing / health care or organizational values; the actions of this leadership style are matched (or are congruent) with followers values and beliefs when dealing with multigenerational employees. Followers who have the same or similar values will support and follow these leaders because of their own values alignment. While realizing the difference of values and beliefs that are truly existed between the generational groups, Stanley emphasized that leaders core nursing / health care values are likely to offer significant common ground for this leadership approach to ensure it will be employed successfully. Kowalski, Bradley and Pappas research (2006) seems to be in a supportive posit ion to Stanleys argument. In her article, from the efficiency and positive outcome of management in a health care organization, Robbins and Davidhizar (2007) articulated there is a direct link between leadership style and staff retention, satisfaction and patient satisfaction. Currently, the changing faces in health care workforces pushes the management of nursing on the edge of the change in management strategy using effective and appropriate leadership to prompt greater success in gaining and maintaining staff satisfaction, staff retention, and then, in long run, improving patient satisfaction. Staff retention and satisfaction are the driving forces for achieving the patient satisfaction. Comparing with transactional leadership in leadership strategy, mission and vision, communication, relationship-building, they argued that transformational leadership is more effective in gaining and maintaining staff satisfaction, retention, and patient satisfaction in health care organizations. Poor leadership on a nursi ng unit leads to unhappy, unmotivated, and less dedicated staff. The underlying fundamental is that a transformational leader has the ability to effectively communicate the vision, mission, and empower nursing staff, which in turn build and promotes a healthy working environment for the entire team. Generally, Arsenault (2004) realized that todays workforce is more diverse than ever. There are many diverse issues. One of them is generational differences, which is created by a shared collective field of emotions, attitudes, preferences, and dispositions. Relatively, the differences in the unique attitudes, values, and beliefs of each generation determines how each generation views leadership, and ranks admired leadership characteristics, which correlates to their choice in leadership style and favourite leaders. He concluded that generational differences are a legitimate diversity issue that must be recognized and understood by organizations and needs to be addressed in developing current and future leaders. The leaders of organizations need to recognize and understand that a unique persona, which is developed from generational difference and already translated into a mind-set that demonstrated in different emotions, attitudes, beliefs, values, preferences, and embodied activitie s in working setting. Accordingly, this mind-set creates differences in leadership style how a person of a generation will lead or how they prefer to be led. In summary, five researches reached the common port, that is, the generational diversity is a current issue in workforce that organization and leaders must recognize and understand in designing effective and productive leadership strategy and style in creating a healthy working environment. However, for what is the correlation between generations and choice of leadership style, Stanley (2008, 2010)s articles reached his unique port; it argued the congruent leadership will be the one that can facilitate greater effectiveness when dealing with generational issues. The research done Cummings, MacGregor, Davey, Lee, Wong and Lo, et al (2010) clearly reached the conclusion that transformational and relational leadership styles will enhance nurse satisfaction, recruitment, retention, and healthy work environments in todays multigenerational workforce; because their research was based on extensive search of related database, so their conclusion derived from the evidence-based literature rev iew is highly credential and statistically significant. Also, Hahn (2009) and Robbins and Davidhizar (2007) generally articulated the nursing leaders should take transformational leadership as the core concept of their management, but their articles do not show strong evidence to support their argument. Arsenaults article emphasized the generational diversity of workforces and its impact on leadership, but he actually did not figure out which leadership could be the effective in current working environment. Summary of Behaviourist Learning Theory (BLT) According to Bastables book (2008, p.54-55), whether dealing with animals or people, BLT views the learning process as a relatively simple chain or cycle; the focus of BLT is mainly on the phenomenon that is directly observable stimulus conditions and the associations formed in the learning process; the learning process is understood as the product of the stimulus from the environment and the responses. In order to enhance the learning process leading to the desired result, behaviourists or learners can closely observe and manipulate the environment by utilizing operant conditioning techniques of positive or negative reinforcement (Skinner, 1974, 1989) to increase or decrease the stimulus, thus, to reinforce or decrease the responses to bring about the intended change. Plan of Implementation Based on my learning goal (see appendix A), I applied the acquired knowledge of BLT to my learning process through a survey project about the generational difference in the perceptive response in their admiring leadership style based on their different emotions, attitudes, beliefs, values, working ethics, preferences, and embodied activities in working setting. Each answer to the survey questionnaire is one of the stimuli for my learning process. What I learned form the project is the response of the learning process. I designed a survey questionnaire (see appendix B) about the correlation between generational difference and choice of leadership styles, randomly distributed to 55 staff in two medicine units of two hospitals, and 53 responses has been collected; the statistically valid representative sampling size is 96.36%. Statistical analysis on the response has been done (Table 1). Poster presentation (Appendix C) has been presented in my clinical placement unit for feedback. Application Component The Rationale of Choosing Behaviourist Learning Theory (BLT) BLT suggests the learning process is the product of the stimulus from the environment and the responses to the stimulus; it views the learning process as a reoccurring chain or cycle between stimulus and response through operant conditioning techniques of positively or negatively enhancing stimulus. Learning will occur while the stimulus is positively or negatively enhanced. Such a theoretic framework can be applied to health teaching process (Bastable, 2008, p. 54-60). The designation for students project from the course outline is about the learning from the project about a nursing issue in a global or organizational level of a hospital or community setting. Based on the acquired knowledge from BLT, my intention of my project design is to view the responses from the survey as stimulus for my learning about the choice on leadership style in a health care team staff would be either as a leader or a team member. Each response is one of the stimuli for my learning. More choice selecti vely occurred on one particular leadership style will become an enhanced stimulus for my learning that will give me the idea of which leadership is most admired in current health care team. In my future career, I would work as either a team member or a team leader; I have to prepare my self to be knowledgeable for these two roles. I am trying to apply BLT to my self teaching and self learning process. Actually, teaching and learning are the two phases of one process. Summary of the Process Involved in Applying BLT From the literature review, the generational difference in the perceptive response in their admiring leadership style based on their different emotions, attitudes, beliefs, values, working ethics, preferences, and embodied activities in working setting was found (Stanley, 2008, 2010; Arsenault, 2004; Weston, 2006; Kramer, 2010; Swearingen Liberman, 2004; Robbins and Davidhizar, 2007; Hahn, 2009; Cummings, MacGregor, Davey, Lee, Wong and Lo, et al, 2010). Based on this finding, my project designed a survey questionnaire to ask two questions: (1) what is your generation? (2) transactional or transformational leader: which one you would like to be or prefer? The answers to these two questions will give me two kinds of information: what is the content of current workforces and what kind of leadership style is admired more in the working setting. The answer for each respondent could be viewed as one of the stimuli for my response my learning result for my future choice of leadership in future career. 55 copies of questioner were randomly distributed to health care team of two medicine units of two hospitals, including nurses, social workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, manager, nursing educators, and unit supervisors / coordinators, clinical instructor, and nursing students. 53 copies of responses have been collected. Data has been coded and statistically analysed. The percentage of each generation in the health care teams, and the percentage of selecting transactional or transformational leader from each generation, and from the total sampling were calculated. The finding demonstrates the transformational leadership style is admired most in current working setting. This finding has been supported from the literature review of this report above. Discussion of how Gained Knowledge was Integrated into Learning Process The major components of stimulus and response of BLT were used in my learning process. Before my project survey, I had qualitative idea about the generational difference in beliefs, values, employment expectation, working ethics and orientation, but no quantitative idea about such difference, and no idea about how much their difference was in choosing working sett leadership style. Through the survey, I get the idea about how much each generation constitutes the content of health care workforce in these two units: Veterans are retired, Baby Boomers is 19%, Generation X is 53%, and Generation Y is 28%; the generation X and Y already constitutes 81% of the workforces. Among 10 answers from Baby Boomers, 2 answers chose transactional leader (20% of the generation), 8 answers chose transformational leader (80% of the generation); among 28 answers from Generation X, 4 answers chose transactional leader (14.3% of the generation), 24 answers chose transformational leader (85.7% of the gener ation); among 15 answers from Generation Y, 1 answer chose transactional leader (6.7% of the generation), 14 answers chose transformational leader (93.3% of the generation). Among the total samplings, 86.8% of answers chose transformational leader, only 13.2% of answer chose transactional leader. The finding also shows a trend of the major choices from each generation on the leadership style: from Baby Boomers to Generation Y, the percentage of the responses decreases in choosing transactional leader, and percentage increases in choosing transformational leader. It clearly demonstrates the significant difference between generations in admiring leadership style based on their different emotions, attitudes, beliefs, preferences, and embodied activities in working setting. The information analysed and concluded from the survey is the wanted stimulus for my learning it gives me the idea which leadership style could be effective and productive in a health care working environment. The m ultiple kinds of information obtained from the survey like the enhanced stimulus positively manipulated by behaviourist to strengthen my response in advocating transformational leadership as the style I will choose to be my favourite one in working environment. Challenge Encountered and Related Management Because my project about learning process involves the questioner survey, the challenge comes from the design and implementation of the survey process. The first challenge is the survey of this project is not a formal and academic survey. It is an anonymous mock survey. It does not involve in any interesting conflict and retain any private information about responders name, exact age, and gender, etc. Its purpose is limited to get the true information about the leadership style choice from different generation in the real working setting for my personal clinical learning process. So, it was not submitted to university ethics committee to seek pre-approval. The management strategy is anonymous survey and keeping the survey result within the learning process of this course. The second challenge is the design of the questioner survey. As a student project, there is no funding for rewarding the participants. Staff are busying with daily assignment and dont have spare time and compassion to answer too complicated questioner. The management strategy is to simplify the questionnaire design as much as possible, but it is still remained in detail enough to collect enough information to meet my learning goal. The third challenge is the limitation of sampling size. As a student project, it is impossible to have adequate time and financial resource to take survey in multiple units of multiple health care facilities. The management strategy is to utilize the chance of my working unit at another hospital and clinical placement unit at St. Michaels hospital to take my survey so that the sampling process will be more statistically valid and the finding will be more statistically representative from the limited sampling size. Outcome of the Project and Evaluation The outcome of the project is the finding of my survey truly demonstrates the generational difference in choosing leadership style in real working environment, which is supported from the literature review. The outcome of the project also reached my learning goal of this project: it uncovers the reality of generational difference in choosing leadership style and future trend in real working environment; and the finding is strong enough as enhanced stimulus to my response in my learning process based on BLT. Evaluation Criteria of Self-Evaluation of Learning Plan and Planning Change In my learning plan, the criterion of self-evaluation for knowledge component was set up as: able to select a specific theoretical model of leadership style based on current nursing environment. To better reflecting the learning experience from the project, I will modify it as: able to select related scholarly publication and a particular theoretical framework of leadership style based on current nursing working environment for literature review to acquire knowledge in guiding my learning process and practice project. For application component, the criterion of self-evaluation was set up as: able to develop questionnaires of assessing staff nurses values, beliefs and expectation on their choice of leadership style. To better reflecting the learning experience from the project, I will modify it as: (1) able to develop questionnaires of assessing staff nurses values, beliefs and expectation on their choice of leadership style; and (2) able to analyze the survey result and figure out the significant finding. Personal Growth and Development Before this clinical placement, I did have general idea about the generational difference in emotions, attitudes, beliefs, values, preferences, and embodied activities in working setting. However, I did not have clear idea about the generational difference in choosing leadership style in real working environment. Through applying BLT to assess staffs values, beliefs, expectation, attitude about the employment and work-life quality, and expectation of each generation on their choice of leadership style within the multiple generational cohorts, I found (1) current health care workforces is a three generation cohort, not a four generation cohort that was articulated in most of previous literatures, because Veteran generation is retired already; (2) from Baby Boomers to generation X and Y, the percentage of staff who choose transactional leadership style is linearly decreasing, the percentage of staff who choose transformational leadership style is linearly increasing; (3) presently, gen eration X is the majority in health care workforce, and generation Y is in the second place; in these two generations, the percentage of staff who chose transformational leadership style is 86% and 93%, which releases a clear information that transformational leadership style will work better for them. Totally, the outcome of the project tells me that in my future career, either as a team member or a team leader, transformational leadership was the style I should choose to work comparatively in a team or lead a team effectively. Conclusion According to the learning objective and teaching strategy of this course, a learning plan and practice project plan were developed based on the chosen theoretic framework. The project of survey was implemented in two medicine units of two hospitals. The survey result was statistically analysed and poster presentation was presented in the clinical placement unit. This report summarizes the acquired knowledge through the reviewing of five scholarly articles and the chosen theoretic framework, discussed the rationale on theoretic framework choosing, and the major concepts of BLT stimulus and response, which have been applied in my learning process. Also, the outcome of the project, experienced challenges, possible personal growth and development obtained from the project are discussed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Postal Service Monopoly :: Economy

The Postal Service Monopoly In the United States economy most markets can be classified into four different markets structures. But, each and every market in the United States is completely unique from the others. Generally the best type of market structure for the general public is per- fect competition because it creates the lowest possible price for the public. There are some exceptions were perfect competition isn’t the best choice for the public on account of various reasons. The United States Postal Service is one of them and since the Postal Service is a monopoly, it is its own market. This paper will discuss the budget dilemmas that the postal service has faced for the past twenty years and if it is in the best interest of the economy for the United States Postal Service to continue as a monopoly. The first time there was talk of privatizing the Postal Service was in 1979 when the Postal Service was losing vast amounts of money in the long run. But since the Postal Service is a necessity for America, the government had to subsidize the service in order for it to continue in operation. In 1979 the United States Postal Service had a cash flow of $22.5 Billion and was additionally receiving $176 million from investing(#1, Intro). Even with this added revenue the Postal Service was still greatly under funded on its own (#1, Intro). During this time it was discussed to privatize the postal service and introduce competition because of the extreme losses that the service was experiencing. A positive argument for privatizing the Postal Service was with numerous competitors in the market there would be more efficiency and the public would receive lower prices. But this would also increase the usage of resources, for example airplanes and cars. One of the problems the Post Office had was its receipts from consumer purchases that were submitted the next day after the transaction (#1, i). If the receipts were submitted earlier the postal service would receive more money because they could invest that money sooner (#1, i). Another way the Postal Service could increased

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Issues in Church and Sacraments

Summary Issues in church and sacraments are practical atheism, deeply upright, deeply crooked, putting our faith to work and catholic devotions. Practical Atheism Is one who does not believe In God. It came from the Greek word â€Å"ethos† which means â€Å"without God† late Pope Paul VI labeled this as an Insidious wolf In sheep's clothing because It hides under a mantle of religious faith but worships wealth, power and the self. Atheism is out and opens, while practical atheism hides the religiosity of people.Most people may appear religious like the practical atheism but the truth is hey don't focus mainly on God but on instead they just focus on themselves since they Just need a God who they can manage and hear their prayers cause the truth is they're not interested in a God who will teach them about truth and Justice. This disrespectful for God is not that obvious in the sense that practical atheist only uses God for their self-interest focusing only for one's self . Idolatry is worshipping an idol; a false image of God Is an idol.Idolatry is worshipping something that projects to one's self Like In times of solving a problem or granting wishes. We control God even though based on the scripture that we are created In the Image and likeness of God but the saddest part Is that we are the one who Is re-creating God In our Image. Practical Atheism Is preoccupied with money, obsessed with wealth and material success. Self-centeredness, self-garnishment, distorted priorities and corruption as a way of life in a nation of fervent church-goers are the signs of practical atheism. Deeply upright, Deeply Crooked explains something about facing the reality.The Philippines is said to be the most religious country in all Asia and also one of the most immoral countries in all Asia, if not the most immoral. Philippines is also known to be the second most corrupt country in Asia this survey is an example of how deeply the Philippines is upright and at the same time how deeply crooked this could be. People's entire concept is based on†investing† in heaven an example of this Is by donating something to a religious organization and assuming that they are already exempted from having to live exemplary lives.Hearing masses, going to confession and receiving the sacraments are the practice that we do and Imagining Like we are just taking a bath to cleanse our sins for going back again to the normal routine like lying, cheating, and stealing with a punishment that is inflicted in return for a wrong doing. The principle here is simple; form is everything like the practices that we are doing but the substance on why we are doing this is nothing. Putting our Faith to Work gives details about on how do we put our faith to work realizing the fact that our churches are filled on Sundays, and yet people very often do not seem to act like Christians at all.We must stress that it is not our Catholic faith that is wrong. We have convert peopl e to Christianity for church membership, rather than for discipleship. We have taught people to seek the kingdom of heaven but we failed to urge them to build a better society. We have drawn our members to our churches for worship but have not sent them out to the world for service. The Catholic faith that we have propagated has been directed more toward celebrating In the Church than a Christian living in the world.The problem, however, does not lie inside our churches people go out of the church that trouble begins. We need to put our Christian faith to work in all choices that we make we must make our Christian faith at the center of our lives in and out of the church. Catholic Devotions expresses the people's personal experiences like when we talk about devotions that has been a greater part of our lives especially in religion that may attract others. Different people have different perspectives that may lead to different religions even if there is only oneGod or worst establish ed a religion because of differences in beliefs. We only express our faith in God in God according to our background and culture. Catholics know more about devotions, rituals novenas that turns out to be a practice and little about scriptures and the teachings of Jesus. Belief is different from faith; a belief without the right faith is fanaticism and gives security, but true faith involves insecurity. We do not need faith when we are so sure of our beliefs. What's it all about making the grade but missing out on learning?Going to class is seen as a duty by most students, rather than an opportunity that they should be thanking for. They are more concern about the grades, assignments, projects and how to pass the subjects than what they have really learned. Learning is necessary and shouldn't be taken for granted. Homework should never be done only because it is needed; if the only reason that a student completes his or her requirement for the sake of getting a grade then it is not a good result because you didn't learn something from it you Just memorize.Figuring out Life's Most Important Questions, students do everything that is required so that they can land to the right Job. Career motivations, questions about the best way to help society in knowing who am l, how shall I live are the questions and things that are important to be talking about at this stage in our lives. Students don't want to e told on what to believe or how to live their lives. Guidance and encouragement is needed to help us figure out life's most important questions for ourselves not to Just be talking about it but also to act on it as well.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marketing Concept and the possible limitations Essay

Marketing is defined as a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with others.(Kotler.P 2002 : 5) The goals of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction. There are five core concepts of marketing, which includes needs, wants and demand; products, services and experience; value, satisfaction and quality; exchanges, transactions and relationships; and finally, market and marketing. After World War II, the variety of products increased and hard selling no longer could be relied upon to generate sales. Customers afford to be selective and buy products which can precisely met their changing needs with increased discretionary income. The key questions arose: What do customers want? Can we develop it while they still want it, and how can we keep our customers satisfied? In order to response to these discerning customers, firms began to adopt the marketing concept. This involves focusing on customer needs before developing the product, aligning all functions of the company to focus on those needs, and realizing a profit by successfully satisfying customer needs in long-term. In other words, in the context of marketing concept, company must first determine what the consumer wants, then produces what they wants, then sells the consumer what they wants. In marketing concept, more listening to and eventual accommodation of the target market occurs. Two-way communication is emphasized in marketing so â€Å"learning† can take place and product offerings can be improved. Business must first fulfill consumers’ needs and wants. Marketing concept â€Å"holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists in determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors† (online material #5) To illustrate the marketing concept, Peter Drucker, in 1954 said: â€Å"If we want to know what business is, we must first start with its purpose†¦Ã‚  There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer. What business thinks it produces is not of first importance – especially not to the future of the business or to its success. What the customer thinks he/she is buying, what he/she considers â€Å"value† is decisive – it determines what a business is, what it produces, and whether it will prosper.† (Online material #4) Marketing concept was considered a breakthrough in business philosophy. It’s because it represented the antithesis of the product, production, and selling concepts. The marketing concept holds that businesses should first determine the existing needs in the marketplace and then design and produce a product to satisfy this need rather than taking an existing product and endeavoring to modify demand for it by reducing price or varying promotional technique. Marketing concept plays an important part in an organization. According to the Customer Service Institute, it costs as much as five times as much to acquire a new customer than it does to service an existing one and that the customers tell twice as many people about a bad experience over a good one. According to their studies, 65% of the business of an average company comes from its presently satisfied customers. (Online material #4) There are a range of firms gain success and earns at a very high profit through the use of marketing concept. One of the examples of successful organization implementing marketing concept is JVC. JVC has been building and expanding its mobile electronics capabilities throughout the last decade, and it now markets a complete line of mobile audio equipment and accessories. In the December of 1998, JVC celebrated its success. (Online material #3) JVC launched revolutionary and market-making products like the world’s smallest CD changer, cutting-edge MD-to-CD receiver for audio aficionados, as well as JVC’s loaded  car A/V system. JVC sees customers’ needs and wants and made an attempt to fill their needs and wants, and satisfy them by expanding its product offerings and adding more varied and exciting features. They are very successful in satisfying their  customer that their customers know that with JVC, they are getting the very best sound for their dollar. JVC is so successful with its marketing concepts that they have become a global leader in the development and manufacturing of innovative audio and video hardware, as well as related software products. Another example of successful firm is the Thayer Interactive Group (TIG), an online hospitality marketing firm. TIG sees that consumer behavior has changed. People are using the internet more than ever to make research of different options prior to booking travel, and that they are approaching hotels preemptively. Therefore, TIG targets individuals who are actively looking for lodging solutions at the precise place and time that they wanted to get. Because they know that the consumers nowadays are buying based on â€Å"get more, pay little†, their program offers the industry’s first and only comprehensive suite of Web marketing services designed to administer all aspects of a hotel’s internet presence, AND bypass excessive fees charged by third-party travel sites. TIG even provides a customized â€Å"five-part program† – website development and content management; search engine marketing; guerilla marketing and online advertising; reporting and analysis; and proactive account management. The objective is to deliver the travel consumer directly to individually managed hotel Web sites which allows them to maintain control of pricing and avoid excessive third-party fees.TIG is so successful that it is already generating an average of more than $1 million in incremental revenue per participating hotel. (Online material #2) Other successful firms which have adopted the marketing concept are such as  Procter and Gamble, Wal-Mart, Marriott, Dell Computer etc. The marketing concept is founded upon the assumption that consumers are knowledgeable, intelligent, and rational, and base their product purchases upon a careful consideration of the relationship between their own needs and product attributes. However, do the consumers always know what is â€Å"needed†? In many cases, customers do not know what they want or even what is possible. For example, 30 years ago, how many consumers would have thought to ask for 24-hour Internet brokerage accounts and DVD players? Moreover, by focusing on customers’ needs, marketing concept ignore other important stakeholders. In order to implement marketing concept, a lot of research are needed to be carried out and it is very expensive to do such marketing researches. In U.S., the latest consumerism movement has caused limitations to marketing concept as well. Nowadays, consumers assert their rights to products which are safe, economic, reliable, honestly labeled and advertised, and product’s impact upon the environment. Moreover, consumerists have been very proactive in seeing that these â€Å"rights† are guaranteed, either by the firms selling the products or by the government of the U.S. In this, Peter Drucker blamed the marketers for failing their consumers and publics in using the marketing concept: We have asked ourselves where in the marketing concept consumerism fits or belong. I have come to conclusion that the only way one can really define it within the marketing concept is as the shame it. It is essentially a mark of failure of the concept†¦ (Drucker P. 1969). (Online material #5) It is often taken for granted that the marketing concept is true. The concept is usually expressed as the assertion that firms which are marketing oriented will do better than firms which are not. This assertion is being put to test empirically by Massey University by comparing the financial  results of firms exhibiting high levels of marketing orientation with those of lower levels. The result showed that there is actually no clear association between adapting in line with marketing concept and success. (Online material #1) In order to adapt and implement marketing concept, firms have to be able to meet changing customer needs and wants, as well as competitor strategies. There are a number of firms such as General Motors and Zenith, which lost substantial market share because they failed to adjust their marketing strategies to the changing market. Top management in an organization must ensue that all employees are driven by marketing concept. They must be driven by the marketing concept before they can expect employees to whole-heartedly commit to it. In addition, top management should foster an organizational culture and set organizational values that embody the concept by encouraging cross-functional communication and coordination directed toward satisfying the needs of the customers. Bibliography Armstrong G & Kotler P, 2002, Marketing An Introduction 6th ed, Prentice Hall, New Jersey Online Material #1: Marketing Bulletin,1991,2,1-7, [22/9/2003] Online Material #2: Business Editors,2002,Thayer Interactive Group Proves Marketing Concept to Hotel Industry, [20/9/2003] Online Material #3: Business Editors,1998,JVC Celebrates Success in Mobile Electronics With New Image and New Marketing Concept, [20/9/2003] Online Material #4: The Research Exchange Vol.5, [23/9/2003] Online Material #5: Robert D,Social Responsibility,Consumerism,and The Marketing Concept,1999, [24/9/2003]

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Livery of Tesco Essays

Livery of Tesco Essays Livery of Tesco Essay Livery of Tesco Essay Logos help the business to attract customer attention, let the people know about the company, allow customers to identify their best company. For example the log off Tesco is recognised around the worlds, because Tesco stores are in almost every part of the world, Tesco uses the same log for all its stores. We all have different likes and dislikes; another individual may dislike the logo, which is liked by one individual. Uniforms:  A uniform is a set of distinguishing, clothing worn to identify the wearer as a member of a particular organisation, school, and bank. Tesco staff wears unique clothing which makes them stand out from the crowd meaning from other business.  Packaging:  Packaging is a container or wrapper for a consumer product that help a number of object including protection and descriptions of the ingredients. Packaging is also becoming a useful way of communicating between the business and the customers. Tesco use a number of different packaging as shown below comprise with different colours making it easy for customers to recognise the Tesco product from its competitors. Packaging can be used to attract customer attention, for example if company packaging is attractive and good, it will help the customer to pick the product as a trusted brand, when the customer is surrounded by the competitors products in the market. Packaging can also be used successfully to promote sales. Some people may not like the packaging of the business from they is buying the product, in their opinion the packaging may not be good at. Strapline:  A strapline is a phrase or an advertisement slogan used by the company to draw attention to the product or to inform the customer we are providing the product or service you are after. The reason for using strapline is that the slogan or the word will be associated with the particular business. Every time when the Tesco advertise on the TV, Radio they use different strapline to get people attention for example food advert Every Little Helps. This slogan basically says to its customers even if you have little money on you can shop in Tesco. Tesco starpline have helped them to attract more customers; I can explain this by giving one example like when customer do not have enough money on them, they still can go and buy the products in Tesco. Although Tesco products are cheap compared to its competitors but Tesco products are of good quality. Livery:  A livery is a corporate colours scheme used by business on all their delivery vehicles, packaging and promotions. Usually every business has its own livery corporate colours (livery) so that the business can be stand out from other business.  Tesco colour scheme is mostly red and blue. The reason why Tesco always use the combination of red and blue, to show this vehicle or particular branch belong to Tesco. This is another way of corporate communication. Almost every one knows the Livery of Tesco, because all of their vehicles use Livery. Some livery may not be eye catching to grab customer attention. Livery of Tesco: Few companies will relate their business with a famous celiberity or presentationalty to get a message across. It is a fact that people are likely to buy products more if the famous celebrity is using the same product in the advert or in the life. For example the Gillet razor, company used David Backhem, famous football player, to prmote their product. However the celebrity has to be chosen carefully so that the advert can put the message across before the advert is disliked by the public. After all the public is the main people who will be using the products or services. Some people may not like the celebrity who is doing the advert for partiular product for that reason customer may not buy the product. Tesco has used Dotty Turnbull, she helped Tesco become Britains biggest supermarket chain in 2006. This logo is about the recruitment opportunities in Tesco. Tesco is the store, which is giving the chance to everyone to work for a Tesco, regardless of an individual religion, ethnicity background, or any thing else, which prevents any one to get a job. Tesco is providing the chance to everyone to work for a Tesco. Sponsorship:  Through research on Tesco I came to know that Tesco also sponsors large companies to make other organisations aware of the business. They can create a positive image by doing this. It is important to keep this in mind that in order for sponsorship to be effective; it should be at the same level as Tesco. After reading on / business, I found out that Tesco and British cycling both came together to sponsor the cycling club. Tesco and British cycling club sponsor one of the largest cycling clubs, which allows Tesco and British cycling to get involved with many people from all backgrounds and communities. This sponsorship is part of Tescos ongoing commitment to help the children of UK to get healthier and fit. Such a sponsorship allows Tesco to be publicised in a positive manner. On-line activity: All big organisations like Tesco have their website because having website allow the customers to see all the products and services business is providing. Tesco website is, by going on to this website customer will be able to see all kind of products, services, and special offers Tesco is providing in particular period without leaving their house. The main advantage of having website is that it can be accessed at any time form any part of the world. Most of the businesses also use their websites to promote their business such as by giving discount, or vouchers. Tesco has online shopping facility, which makes the life of some customers very easy due to their busy working life. This saves customers time. Tesco also have introduced club card point, which makes customers to shop more, the benefit of using card is that more times the customer shop with Tesco, the more points they are likely to collect on their card. Public Relations:  Tesco use recycling as to get the all the public together, this will also improve the image of Tesco. Tesco recycling which helps the environment and also it helps the Tesco to create positive image. Tesco is devoted to reduce the amount of waste produced and to help to recycle it wherever possible. Tesco recently introduced a program for their customer to recycle polythene paper and other consumable items used by Tesco, contains a proportion of recycled materials. This will also helps the customers to earn points on their club card. This will also draw the customer attention to Tesco. Vocabulary:  Tesco uses different kinds of friendly vocabulary that will improve the image of Tesco. Tesco uses friendly and quickly understandable vocabulary in promotion. The reason behind this is to ensure that customers understand what Tesco is saying immediately and at the same time eye catching. Tesco always use the words Every Little Helps. The reason for using these words is that Tesco want to distinguish from its competitors. Businesses using special words when they promote the products will also helps the customer to know this product or service this business is providing. For example Sainsbury always use the words on their adverts Try something new today. This is to help customers know what Sainsburys is providing. Tescos choice of words will get the customers attention when they use the friendly vocabulary in the promotion. This is because they need to attract potential customers. The more people know about the vocabulary of the business, the better it is for the business.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Week #4 Example

Week #4 Example Week #4 – Article Example Week #4 This week four assignment involves summation of Murakami interview content that is part two of his writings from page 304 to 345. The content is compared with the writings of Calvino in his â€Å"the lost regiment† and â€Å"beheading the heads†. The second part of Murakami writings dwells on â€Å"The Place That Was Promised† after the interviews concerning the horrible gas attack committed by Aum Shinrikyo members, Murakami talked of a better place (Murakami 304-345). Murakami introduces the second part by assessing why people would believe in Aum while others do not. This leads to a question why should not some people be able to consider deeply about matters that are not directly pertinent to society. â€Å"The problem lies in fact that Aum Shinrikyo was one of the few havens for such people..." (304). personally I believe that the whole concept of thinking concerning life critically is much understated. It appears the entire Aum system is intended so that individuals can trick themselves into accepting they do not want anything. As an interviewee described, it was a method to turn the unenthusiastic aspects of individuals’ life into positive ones, and a manner to acquire respect (Murakami 304-345).According to Calvino, in â€Å"Beheading the Heads† leaders has the knowledge of their journey once have been elected. This is confirmed by response he gets when he asked if respondents were sad leaders were being killed after terms. â€Å"What can you do? If someone agrees to be a leader he knows how he’ll end up.† (144). this is relevant with choices people made in Aum case and also real world incidences. However, when the people decided to amputate the leaders not kill them change was realized. â€Å"This system of pruning leaders bore excellent results.†(153) this is a revelation that promised land can be shaped by circumstances. The lost regiment is a case of preparedness at whole time to meet t he objectives. The soldiers on seeing â€Å"the city before them, so quiet and good natured, minding its own business† (54), they felt imprudent. The place that was promised is not easy to attain unless one is focused and geared to the task.Murakami, Haruki, Alfred Birnbaum, and Philip Gabriel. Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche. London: Vintage, 2003. Print.Calvino, "The Lost Regiment" WRG#6

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Tips for Getting Rid of Fruit Flies

10 Tips for Getting Rid of Fruit Flies Fruit flies are one of the most persistent kitchen pests. These tiny winged marauders procreate quickly and stick around long after youve tossed the fruits and veggies that first attracted them. If youre at your wits end with these nuisances, dont despair. Getting rid of them requires patience and smarts but these tips will help you eliminate any potential fruit fly breeding grounds in your home so youll be able to make them go away- and keep them from coming back. 1. Dispose of Any Rotting Fruits and Vegetables First things first: The minute you see even a few fruit flies, its time to purge your unrefrigerated produce. Anything thats beyond ripe, oozing liquid, or has been cut or broken open must go. Dont just throw things in the garbage or compost bin, either- unless your compost bin is outdoors and located a distance from your house. Bag everything up and take it outside to the trash. And be sure to clean up any residual mess left behind on countertops or in containers. 2. Scrub Your Recycling Cans Anything thats sweet or fermented or has a little moisture is a suitable habitat for fruit flies. Empty soda cans, wine bottles, and beer cans completely and rinse them out. After youve taken all bottles and cans out for pickup, give the bin a thorough scrubbing to remove any beer, wine, or juice residue. 3. Take Any Compost Scraps Outside If you compost kitchen scraps and find you have fruit flies buzzing about, its time to clean out the compost bin. Until you get the infestation under control, youll need to take produce scraps directly to your outdoor compost pile. Empty any indoor compost containers and give them a good scrubbing, too. 4. Replace Old Sponges, Mops, and Dishrags Did you know that fruit flies can breed on sour sponges, mops, and dishrags? If you havent changed your kitchen sponge or your mop refill recently, replace them. Throw any reusable dishrags in the wash and put disposable ones in a sealed bag. 5. Clean Your Dishes Immediately Dont wait until the end of the day to wash your dishes, especially if they have residue from things like jelly or wine. At the very least, give the dishes a good rinse to remove any food or beverage remnants. When you scrape leftovers into the garbage, be sure to take the trash outside promptly. If you have a dishwasher, rinse food particles from your dishes and run the load as soon as you can. 6. Check Potato and Onion Storage Bins Most people store potatoes, onions, and other root vegetables in a cool, dark bin or cupboard. If fruit flies persist, be sure to check these storage areas for old, rotting produce. Just one old potato is all it takes to keep a fruit fly population going. Dispose of any soft or mushy potatoes or onions, and give the bin a cleaning before putting in fresh ones. 7. Set Vinegar Traps in Problem Areas Sometimes the quickest way to eliminate a population of insect pests is to wipe out the reproductive adults. Fortunately, fruit flies arent all that smart. If something smells remotely like fermenting fruit, theyll dive right in. Place a few cider vinegar traps around problem areas in your home, and you can quickly get rid of large numbers of fruit flies. You can make a vinegar trap in just a few minutes with things you probably already have in your home. 8. Fix Slow Drains and Keep Plumbing Clean Fruit flies arent above living in the muck, and that includes the muck inside your plumbing. If you have any slow-moving drains in your house, there may be enough organic matter hanging out inside your pipes to support a breeding population of fruit flies. Tape some plastic wrap over suspect drains for a few days to check for fruit flies. If you see adults on the underside of the plastic, theyre breeding in your drain. Fix any drainage issues. Pour boiling water down problem drains to help loosen accumulated deposits. If accessible, you can also use a firm brush to scrub the inside of the pipe to free it of debris. 9. Give the Kitchen a Thorough Cleaning Youd be surprised where food bits can accumulate in a kitchen. If you have a particularly stubborn fruit fly infestation, it may take some elbow grease to eliminate all of their food sources. Check the lip of your kitchen sink. There could there be food bits underneath it. Clean the burner drip pans and lift the stovetop, if possible, to remove spilled food, and check under the refrigerator for sticky spots where juice may have spilled. 10. When Canning, Make Sure Jars are Sealed Securely Not everyone is into home canning but if you are, you should know that a fruit fly infestation can sometimes be traced to even one improperly sealed jar of fruit preserves. If you keep a supply of homemade jellies or sauces on hand, take some time to doublecheck that all the seals are closed tightly. As much as a fruitfly would take delight in supping on something youd inadvertently left open, you wouldnt want to dine on anything that came from an improperly sealed jar anyway, right?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The golden party- Kathrine mansfield and Veblen Thesis

The golden party- Kathrine mansfield and Veblen - Thesis Example On the other hand, the theory of the leisure class by Veblen explains the various situations that result from creations of social classes. A comparison of the two pieces of literature sheds more light on the existence of social classes in the society. In his theory Veblen observed that in most communities, people who own huge amount of property are deemed to be more popular and successful in the society. This perception prompts a lot of people to use any means to acquire property that may be perceived as wealth since the poor are looked down upon (Veblen, 24). However, acquisition of wealth is not enough to enable one to be regarded highly in the community. It is therefore necessary for the wealthy in the community do display their wealth. In this case the display of wealth is mainly exhibited through leisure activities. Hence the rich people in the society have to distinguish themselves from the not so wealthy people by living contrary to the poor people who live in â€Å"vulgar surroundings† (Veblen, 29).In this case, vulgar surrounding involved inexpensive lifestyles hence the wealthy have to be different from the poor and live lavishly even if it meant wastage. Veblen’s theory could be well represented in the st ory the garden party by Katherine Mansfield. The short story is a fictional account of a wealthy family that was preparing to hold a party in an upper class environment. In the party, Mrs. Sheridan delegates the duties of organizing the party to her daughters and the employees. However, despite one of her daughters Laura having budgeted for the party, Mrs. Sheridan could not resist to Pass by a shop and buy flowers that were not needed at the party (Mansfield, 66).This made Laura to realize a lot of extravagance in the party .On the other hand, before the party commenced their neighbor from a low class society passed away. Laura tried to convince her sister Jose and her mother to stop the party after their neighbor passed away

Friday, October 18, 2019

Project management DB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project management DB - Essay Example This conflict though may be avoided by specifying the role of each person in the team even before the project has begun. It should be clear for both Katy and the first person that their cooperation is of utmost importance in the success of the project. Management must decide who among the two individuals will be the person in-charge of the design so that there will be no duplication of jobs. Even if Katy has the expertise in designing products, management must detail to her what task she has to perform in the team. It is to the best interest of the company to assign Katy to a marketing task since the design task may be handled by the first person already. It is the responsibility of management to set the goals and ground rules before the start of the project (Cooper, n.d.). This will prevent potential conflicts and ambiguities later on. Another problem that might confront the team is the schedule of Katy. Since she can only work for approximately 10 hours a week, she should make sure that she is able to cover all her duties given the amount of time that she will be spending on the project. The first person must also be informed of the number of hours that Katy will put in on the project so that he will not expect Katy to work the same number of hours as he does. One other point of difficulty is the issue on compensation. Since the first person will be working for 15 to 20 hours a week, while Katy will work for only 10 hours, management must come up with a fair compensation package for both. It is however management’s responsibility to observe whether the hours put in by both persons are quality time. The first person may be working more hours but the quality of work is below standards while Katy may be working less hours but the work put in is above par. This aspect should be closely monitored by

Midterm Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Midterm - Assignment Example The books were, in other words, tampered with, making it difficult to really know what the original books said. However one thing is for sure; Christianity rose during a very chaotic era, a period when the world of Jewish was caught between the heel of an immoral and brutal Roman culture, as well as plagued by groups and movements which not only split it further, but also did so under the pretence of saving Jews. Saint Peter was declared the rock upon which Christ would build His church. He surfed martyrdom under the reign of Nero and crucified, head downwards in 64 AD, claiming he was not valuable to die the same way as Christ did. Peter is traditionally is considered as the 1st bishop of Rome. Saint Paul of Tarsus on the other hand is considered a noteworthy Christianity founder. After his miraculous conversion on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians, Paul started travelling as well as preaching about Christ in the synagogues in Damascus. Paul was a crucial interpreter of the teachings of Christ and most Christians regard him as the most significant disciple of Christ; actually next to Jesus himself. Constantine made an official declaration of freedom of religion and legalized Christianity as well. Theodosius accepted baptism and got healed, and was more susceptibly likely to influence the church and in 391 AD he closed officially all the temples in his empire; forbidding pagan cults and practices. Christianity saved civilization after the collapse of Roman Empire. Roman Empire was split in eastern and western empires disorder and civil war was widespread, there was rebelling from German Barbarians. Constantine, due to this, decided to unite the Roman Empire via a religion that would be politically correct for everybody. Thus Christianity was restated on 25th of December. Julius Caesar was tasked with public entertainment in Roman Empire; a very important

It is often said that the state of Israel is the amongst the Essay

It is often said that the state of Israel is the amongst the - Essay Example Israel has committed numerous violations of international law, or the international humanitarian law. These violations were properly documented and no matter what justifications of the Israeli government were for such violations, the fact remains that the law has been violated. One of these was the illegal occupation of land acquired by force, which was a violation of Principle 1 of the Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations as well as Articles 2 and 5 of the U. N. Charter (List of International Law Violations, 2012). This happened when Israel acquired East Jerusalem and Golan Heights as well as Palestinian lands. Any military occupation that ensues from a war is only possible and legal if it is done for defense. Besides, such military occupation is clearly a defiance of the U. N. Partition Plan that already allocated lands to Israel. Another violation of the international humanitarian law by Israel was to force native Palestinian populations out of the occupie d land. Moreover, those that remained were clearly discriminated and were forbidden to own lands, rent lands or even get jobs. In fact, this particular violation of international humanitarian law was also a violation of articles 45, 46 and 49 of the fourth Geneva Convention, and of the U. N. ... rights violations committed by Israel included cruel acts against Palestinians such as numerous instances of torture, harassment at checkpoints, land confiscation, disruption of medical care, destruction of public and private property, family separation and many others (List of International Law Violations, 2012). Restriction of the entry of goods into Israeli-occupied Gaza was also another violation of international law (Complete Coverage of Israel/Gaza, 2012). The killing of the Hamas Commander in November 2012 in a place where two children were killed was also a violation of international law (A grave violation of international law, 2012). Such cruel acts and violations of international humanitarian laws were not only hearsays but were confirmed by international organizations which are politically and legally neutral such as the Human Rights Watch and the International Court of Justice. These international organizations naturally do not take sides and thus remain objective, which means that they do not take the side of either the Palestinians or Israel. From the aforementioned evidence there was clearly no sign that such accusations were coming from a moral or political standpoint. Besides, Israel, no matter what its motives were, clearly committed violations of the international humanitarian laws. Another group of violations of Israel includes those against the laws of war and those against the fourth Geneva Convention. Some of these violations included illegl Israeli settlements on Palestinian lands, which violated Article 49 of the fourth Geneva Convention. The provision of the fourth Geneva Convention states that it would be illegal for any country to colonize occupied land or transfer their own people to that land. However, despite the law, Israel built more

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cause and effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Cause and effect - Essay Example When other nations present a better outlook expectation, advanced earnings and a sparkling way of life, it draws many populaces. Other people tent to move in search of means for survival and to be able to support their families back home (Lujà ¡n 78). Many developed states have many advancements taking place daily in their places. The numerous expansions attract people mainly from the least urbanized nations to shift there to earn good incomes. Education: majority of citizens tend to progress to other countries with the anticipation of securing good quality schooling. Other states are appareled with a huge range of learning prospects. Many of them have numerous and classy professional establishments, colleges, universities as well as high schools that are better that those established back at home. The superiority and the prestige that comes in line with being associates with such a teaching drive many to shift other lands. Others have a preference to attend institutions that are well known globally in order for them to be famous (Sharma 196). Many students particularly those from wealthy backgrounds travel to countries of their picking to get PhD and Masters Credentials. Through scholarship students also get an option to move to their preferred sates to learn. Lofty Standards of living: numerous parents over and over again tent to propel their kinds overseas for them to attain the best existence. Manly they do this with an objective covering up on the life they were denied or did not achieve. Parents believe that once their children have travelled overseas they will get a plentiful and fruitful life there. With this major concern of a lofty living, much populaces do all they can to shift abroad. Other populaces go to any extend that they abandon their occupations in their motherlands just try their fortune in other states. Others even choose to revolutionize their

Profile of an Organisation (Hilton Hotels - Conrad Hilton) Lab Report

Profile of an Organisation (Hilton Hotels - Conrad Hilton) - Lab Report Example 1). In 2010, Hilton WorldWide earned well over $13 billion from it various activities (Hilton Management Services, par. 1). This paper discusses the Hilton Hotels brand with an aim of establishing a clear profile of the business. Conrad Hilton as an Entrepreneur An entrepreneur is a person who innovates or introduces new things with an aim of making a profit. Many analysts agree that many entrepreneurs share certain common characteristics. For one, entrepreneurs are disciplined. In this respect, they make strategies and define ways through which to achieve their goals. Yet again, entrepreneurs are open minded and see business opportunities where others see hurdles. This trait is seen in Hilton’s life when he buys his first hotel after realising that the hotel has great potential going by his experience; he had tried to book a room in the Mobley Hotel in vain for the high demand at the time (woopidoo n.d., par. 6). They are also ready to take risks as they focus on the goals th at they have set. One important characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is that they are self starters. In connection to this characteristic, the entrepreneurs believe in the fact that if something ought to be done, it is they that must initiate action. In other words, they are proactive and will go at great length to ensure that they succeed without seeking the approval of other people. Hilton is seen to be a self starter in many occasions. Without seeking anyone’s approval, he established a bank and bought his first hotel and worked his way to success. Hilton as an entrepreneur was keen to analyse the business environment before making important decisions. Before the First World War, Hilton had raised 3,000 USD of which he established a bank (woopidoo n.d., par. 8). When the country entered the war, he decided to sell the bank considering the possible negative impacts of the war on the business. Hilton, an American entrepreneur, was a hard working person going by his acc omplishments. During his younger days, Conrad helped his father in his business endeavours. At the tender age of 21, Hilton was already confidently managing his father’s store and enjoying a share of the profits (woopidoo n.d., par. 4). In spite of the fact that he was earning a lot of cash for himself, he felt that he needed to be autonomous. Later, he established and managed his own businesses before venturing into the hotel industry. Many of the hotels and resorts that form Hilton Worldwide’s portfolio were bought by Hilton in his lifetime. Some of the hotels that he bought include the Mobley Hotel and the Statler Hotel chain (Hilton, 1957, p. 17) Marketing Strategies Used By the Organisation The success of Hilton Hotels brand is a product of several factors. For one, the company’s marketing strategy is unique in many ways and has seen the organization expand and reach greater heights. In 2005, the Hilton Hotel Corporation emerged winner of the Best Customer Focus award - an award given by the UK National Business Award. From this achievement, it is worth noting the amount of focus that the brand puts on customer satisfaction. According to Mike Ashton, a senior Officer of the company, the philosophy of equilibrium greatly impacts how the organization operates and how it relates with customers. In a bid to improve its offerings to customers and for

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cause and effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Cause and effect - Essay Example When other nations present a better outlook expectation, advanced earnings and a sparkling way of life, it draws many populaces. Other people tent to move in search of means for survival and to be able to support their families back home (Lujà ¡n 78). Many developed states have many advancements taking place daily in their places. The numerous expansions attract people mainly from the least urbanized nations to shift there to earn good incomes. Education: majority of citizens tend to progress to other countries with the anticipation of securing good quality schooling. Other states are appareled with a huge range of learning prospects. Many of them have numerous and classy professional establishments, colleges, universities as well as high schools that are better that those established back at home. The superiority and the prestige that comes in line with being associates with such a teaching drive many to shift other lands. Others have a preference to attend institutions that are well known globally in order for them to be famous (Sharma 196). Many students particularly those from wealthy backgrounds travel to countries of their picking to get PhD and Masters Credentials. Through scholarship students also get an option to move to their preferred sates to learn. Lofty Standards of living: numerous parents over and over again tent to propel their kinds overseas for them to attain the best existence. Manly they do this with an objective covering up on the life they were denied or did not achieve. Parents believe that once their children have travelled overseas they will get a plentiful and fruitful life there. With this major concern of a lofty living, much populaces do all they can to shift abroad. Other populaces go to any extend that they abandon their occupations in their motherlands just try their fortune in other states. Others even choose to revolutionize their

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Exploring inclusion in a UK primary school Essay

Exploring inclusion in a UK primary school - Essay Example Vygotsky, a world-renowned psychologist hypothesized that â€Å"a child whose development is impeded by a defect is not simply a child less developed than his peers but is a child who has developed differently† (Vygotsky, 1993, p.67). He further emphasized that â€Å"what made development different for those with mind and body differences was the intellectual and social compensatory processes in which they were powerfully motivated to engage in order to be part of their social milieu.† (in McPhail & Freeman, 2005). Vygotsky claims: â€Å"In the final analysis, what decides the fate of a personality is not the defect itself, but its social consequences, its socio-psychological realization† (Vygotsky, 1993, p. 68). This prompts parents and teachers suspecting children of having special education needs to go for professional diagnosis for that particular child. This is an important step towards optimal development. A very recent BBC news report claims that â€Å"early intervention will improve the lives of vulnerable children and help break the cycle of "dysfunction and under-achievement". (Sellgren, 2011, para.1). To determine if a child has special education needs, it should first be evaluated if he has a developmental disability: A broad definition of a developmental disability is a condition or disorder—physical, cognitive, or emotional—that has the potential to significantly affect the typical progress of a child’s growth and development or substantially limits th ree or more major life activities including self-care, language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living, and/or economic self-sufficiency (Federal Developmental Disabilities Act of 1984). Collating observations the child, teachers and parents may be reviewed by a special education needs coordinator or SENCO. This is the person responsible for implementing the SEN Code of Practice. He or She is primarily responsible for assessing, planning, monitoring and reviewing child’s provision and progress (Teaching Expertise B, 2010). As such, the SENCO will be able to support the child’s teachers in the provision of special education needs for him by way of providing in-service staff training, setting effective targets for the child and creating an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) with the school teachers and key staff to suit his needs (Teaching Expertise B, 2010). The SENCO can design interventions that take a graduated approach. He/She may co me up with a team of specialists to work together to meet the child’s special needs. â€Å"Multi-agency working is  essentially about bringing together practitioners with a range of skills to work across their traditional service boundaries† (Every Child Mattters: Changes for Children). A multi-disciplinary team of special needs educators, therapists, psychologists, speech pathologists, physicians, social workers and even government officials may join hands in the care and education of children with special needs to ensure their optimum growth and development (Teaching Expertise A, 2010). Coordinating with a SENCO is in compliance with the Children’s Act 2004, the legislative support of Every Child Matters programme. This act aims to â€Å"improve and integrate children's services, promote early intervention, provide strong leadership and bring together different professionals in multi-disciplinary teams in order achieve positive outcomes for children and you ng people and their families† (DfEs Children Act and Reports, 2004). The five key outcomes set out in Every

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Risks Of Employing Ex Convicts General Studies Essay

The Risks Of Employing Ex Convicts General Studies Essay 1. Background and Rational for choice of 1st area. Risk of companies employing ex-convicts through the Yellow Ribbon Project. ( Ex-convicts are trained in courses such as Nitec certification in electronics, ISC in food preparation, ISC in electrical wiring, and NSRS in cleaning skills. They also gain work experience in Singapore Corporation Of Rehabilitative Enterprises (SCORE) industries (eg. Bakery, laundry services, multimedia etc) to remain relevant in the workforce. This benefits employers as these workers are pre-trained and able to start work immediately. It is important to promote the employment of disabled as Singapore has a small population, hence need to maximize human resource. Also, companies need to address prevailing skills shortages and problems in filling job vacancies in tight labour markets. Besides this, due to the fact that Singapore is dependent on foreign workers, ex-convicts can be employed instead, with a lower pay, to reduce their cost of production. Need for ex-convicts to be included in society and for them to be able to sustain themselves without living off others. Thus they will no longer be a burden to society, including companies. Internet sources Ruth and Bryan to find information that explains: (i) risk taken (ii) Its necessity Others Rayna and YiKai to gather statistics/evidence/ survey results to: (i) Provide evidence to show why risk is worth taking (ii) Substantiate the reasons for importance to take risk 2. Details of what happened or was done Companies interested in employing ex-convicts register an account to access the Singapore Corporation Rehabilitative Enterprises online job portal. Companies then employ ex-convicts, giving priority to those who participated in rehabilitative and aftercare programmes, provided by the Yellow Ribbon Project. Last year, a record 2,459 companies pledged to give former convicts a second chance up 13 per cent from the 2,118 registered with the Score in 2009. E.g. Logwin Air + Ocean Singapore pte ltd (Straits Times 14/2/11) Logwin Air + Ocean Singapore, an international logistics company, has hired 3 ex-convicts since 2008. Among these is Mr Abdul Rahim Daud, who was jailed for vehicle theft in 2009. He currently works as an assistant for the company, ensuring that the company does not accidentally export more goods than necessary, saving it money. His boss, managing director Jimmy Ler, says that he is an efficient worker and he is good at what he does. (+)Employed ex-convicts were already trained, so no need to allocate resources to training, save time and money. (+)They work hard as they know the 2nd chance is precious (-)Employees need to go for follow-up sessions with the Singapore After-Care Association (SACA) and Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (SANA), takes up time. (-)Some employees may revert to old ways, threat to company (-)May tarnish companys reputation as public do not accept criminals, generally. Printed/ internet sources Rayna and Yikai to refer to website and others for employment of ex-convicts programmes. Resource Persons Ruth and Bryan to seek expert opinion about employment of ex-convicts programme. . Printed/ internet sources Rayna refers to Yellow Ribbon website on write-up of collaborations Rayna to write Bryan to vet for spelling grammer and to format document Ruth to vet that substantiation is adequate and start writing Biblio YiKai to vet for logic gaps q Group has shown that 1st area is interesting and has significant lessons to learn from. q Group has shown that an appropriate amount (not too much, not too little) of background information to 1st area is given. 3. Lessons learnt 1. The number of employers willing to hire ex-convict has jumped by nearly a third. 2. Important role families play in the rehabilitation of former prisoners. The Family Resource Centres set up in prisons are where counsellors run workshops in family, parenting and marriage for prisoners to prepare them for life outside jail. Helps them patch things up with family and reconnect with society without being a burden because they are able to support and sustain themselves with a job. 3. Rehabilitative and aftercare programmes and skills training helps to ensure that the ex-convicts will be able to help the company increase productivity and not make losses. Printed Internet sources Ruth and YiKai to find information on: (i) effect of hiring ex-convicts on society (ii) ways government and public can help Others Rayna and Bryan to gather statistics/evidence/ survey results to: (i) provide evidence to show positive welfare effect (ii) substantiate the reasons for employing ex-convicts who participated in the rehabilitative and aftercare programmes. q Specific impacts/approaches have been clearly identified. q Appropriate and relevant lessons learnt have been drawn out from each impact/approaches. 4. Background and rational for choice of 2nd area. Successful social entrepreneur wants to contribute and return back to the society. They lead other companies to employ disabled to build an inclusive society. Joan Bowen is conferred the Notable New Employer Award. The cafe and culinary centre was started in August 2009 to teach essential life-long skills to mildly intellectually handicapped young adults. The cafe operates as a social enterprise with the ultimate aim of equipping youths with special needs with a range of culinary skills so that they are able to make their mark as individuals and contribute as active members of society, says Jeanne Seah-Khong, managing director of Joan Bowen. Joan Bowen, founded by Ms Seah and her husband Khong Yoon Kay, both 55, currently has 13 PWDs on its payroll. They work as cooks, dishwashers and service attendants. To enable the PWDs to learn better, Joan Bowen provides tools like visual aids to help them overcome their handicaps in reading. Work in the cafe is structured for PWDs to work smoot hly. Through systematic training, the PWDs became so proficient in operating the point-of-sale machines, coffee machines and credit-card terminals that they were even able to tell when the machines were due for servicing, Ms Seah adds. Other employers employ disabled because of the following reasons: At the counter in the Toa Payoh KFC restaurant, a crew member taps on his I am deaf badge and, without fuss, takes your order with a big smile. This shows that hiring people with disabilities have benefits as it is believed that many have to work very hard to be accepted into the workforce and will, therefore, be less likely to leave and hence, are motivated and determined to meet employment challenges. Lights, monitors and visual cues in the kitchen alert the hearing-impaired staff when food is ready to serve. A shift manager is on duty he cant hear you either. This shows that companies will benefit as many people with disabilities are accustomed to finding alternative ways of doing things. This innovative thinking can carry over into the workplace. Thus, the cost of hiring disabled workers is not much higher than that of ordinary workers. Despite its handicap, the Toa Payoh outlet has been operating since 2003. Its success has spawned two other deaf-operated KFC branches, in Fuchun Community Centre and Jurong West Community Centre. Apart from the 300 deaf crew on its payroll, KFC also opens its doors to people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as well as the intellectually, physically and visually handicapped. Their ages range from 16 to 56. Some have been with KFC for as long as 19 years. Thus, ensures that human power shortage can be avoided as many people with disabilities tend to remain with the same employer for many years. KFC has not gone unnoticed as a PWD-friendly boss. It was appointed Ambassador for the Deaf in 2004 and awarded the Presidents Social Service Award in 2006. Thus, hiring disabled do not result in a decrease in business for companies but instead increase their business. KFC did not experience a decrease in the number of consumers. This shows that hiring disabled will not affect the business of the companies as customers will often be attracted to or remain loyal with a company that they feel is being inclusive. Statistics show that people with disabilities use less sick leave than non-disabled employees. (Journal of occupational Accidents-1984). Thus, hiring disabled has benefits as they are more productive While the 50 PWDs Hans employs are small in number compared with those on KFCs payroll, they make up almost 10 per cent of its staff. The PWDs are treated as part of Hans big family. We address the PWDs as colleagues and dont see them as a burden, says Hans deputy general manager Gan Yee Chin. Five others also got a special mention for particular exemplary qualities in hiring PWDs Joan Bowen, Eureka Call Centre Systems, Pizza Hut Singapore, Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre and Fong Shen Mould and Precision Engineering. As a whole, hiring disabled has more advantages than disadvantages as employers have found that most have not only met but exceeded exceptions- In fact, They have gone on to become very productive and loyal Employees. Need to employ disabled people 1. Diversity in the workplace employing disabled people helps the the team to be more diverse, which in turn ups the level of creativity and innovation. Furthermore, they will be drawing from a wider talent pool and there are disabled people who have skills, knowledge and expertise to contribute to the company/society. Louis Harry Survey showed that 88% of people working with a disabled colleague say that this experience is enriching, likely to modify their opinion of disabled people and to give a new sense of value to their job (60%). 2. Tight labour market limited human resources, companies have to make full use of expertise available, and employing disabled people helps them to boost manpower. Louis Harry Survey showed that 80% of people employing or working with disabled workers think that they are as productive as any other employee. 3. Contribute back to society employing disabled people will enable them to earn a steady income to support themselves or their families, also helping to boost their confidence when interacting with other able-bodied individuals. Moreover, the company will earn the respect and admiration of others because of their humanity, they are willing to employ disabled people and are not focused solely on making money. Louis Harry Survey showed that 75% of people working with a disabled colleague think that the recruitment of disabled workers in their firm gives a positive image and influences them favourably in the perception of their employer. Internet sources Rayna and Bryan to design survey for companies, which employed disabled, to gather statistics. Ruth and YiKai to interview KFC for statistics. q Group has shown that 2nd area is interesting and has significant impact. q Group has shown that an appropriate amount (not too much, not too little) of background information to 2nd area is given. 5. Strategies that can be developed from lessons learnt in (3) to apply to 2nd area. Â · Strategy 1: ESPERANZA(Hope) Features of the website: The organizer is the Asian Womens Welfare Association. The main objective of setting up the ESPERAZA is to provide a convenient platform for job matching. The website will be managed by AWWA, which the bridge between companies and disabled. AWWA assist disabled in going onto the website to look for more job opportunities, especially, people who are blind. The website is specially formatted to make it easier for the disabled (cannot sit or look at the computer screen for too long) as the job are categorized according to type of disabilities (e.g. deaf) and industries (e.g. handicraft). To ensure that companies can save money on providing skills training and disabled job opportunities to disabled according to their last talents/experiences and skills learnt previously in AWWA. Disabled visit website, know about different job opportunities and decides on interested and relevant job. AWWA alert disabled that once clicked on `confirm button, disabled will be an official employee of compan y, cannot black out, otherwise they will have a black record and remain unemployed for lifetime. Solution to reduce risk: One of the main reasons why companies hesitate hiring the disabled is cause they are unsure whether the disabled are able to fully commit themselves to the jobs. This includes resigning after a short term and so on. With the features like ‘confirm button, disabled people will take their job interviews into careful consideration. This is turn reduces the risk that the companies face when hiring the disabled. Ways to encourage companies to participate in the job search portal: Send volunteers to companies who are able to hire the disabled to conduct talks. With the talks, companies would be encouraged and ensured that the disabled are not inferior as compared to normal people in terms of efficiency and attitude wise. Lessons learnt from other job search portals Yellow ribbon project: account registration An account is needed for both the employee and the employer. This would prevent anyone from playing prank on such websites, causing inconvenience. Thus, the website would prove to be more efficient and the parties would not have to be afraid of being involved in scam cases. Australian job search portal: Most of the time, it is the employer who comes up with the requirements and the employee who have to search. With the uploading of resumes onto the website, employees are also able to have a chance of getting a job even when they are not using a computer as employers would be able to read the resumes online and decide whether they want to hire the disabled people or not. Thus, the application of allowing the disabled people to upload their resumes online would allow a higher efficiency as it would not only be a one sided issue where only the disabled people are searching for a job but also companies to search for workers. Â · Strategy 2: Rainbow Ribbon Project The Rainbow Ribbon Project is initiated to convince employers that employing disabled has more benefits than disadvantages and also as a supporting role to ensure that companies faces minimum problems with the employment of disabled. The objectives of the Rainbow Ribbon Project can be summarized in R2P: 1. Realizing potential of disabled people to ensure that employers will be able to fill up skills gaps in companies. 2. Reducing prejudice of society towards disabled to ensure that the number of consumers of companies employing disabled will not decrease and that companies will not make any losses. 3. Provide trust of employers in disabled employees to ensure that companies will make sure that their disabled employees can compete and flourish on equal terms in the workplace, maximising the use of human resource and minimising losses for the companies itself. Actions to take: To support the companies, an organization can be set-up. To minimize the extra cost needed to be paid by the companies to employ disabled, the organization will provide assistance to the disabled. Disabled will be attached to a volunteer mentor to offer guidance through taken through the entire project, which starts from helping disabled in getting a suitable job to adapting and settling down in a comfortable job. Disabled will be taken through the process of examining what they have to offer an employer and exploring careers, offered tips on finding a job, getting hired, and making that job work for them, They will be assisted to build their own resume online in RainbowCareerConnect and also link to resources for employment listings. With all these in place, companies do not have to worry and pay extra attention to the disabled employees as their welfare is taken care of, by the organization. 1. Rainbow Day The project reduces the risk of companies employing disabled as it increases the confidence of companies towards disabled. Prior to this day, companies will partner with groups of polytechnic students (School of Design and technology) and share with students areas in companies where disabled can help. After that, Students will design disabled-friendly aids base on needs of companies (e.g. light bulbs used in kitchen as indicators instead of using buzzers, very illustrative menu cards, and simple sign language posters). The Rainbow Day is for companies to witness potential of disabled through try-out of machines. On the actual day, The Coffee Bean shares success in employing disabled to manufacture BURLAP bags to convince companies the abilities of disabled. Disabled people will then visit the booths, where the Polytechnic student showcases aids designed at different booths, to gain hands-on experience. Companies witness what disabled can do when disabled try-out the aids and discover disabled suitable for employment before giving job application forms. Companies provide choice of short-term (e.g. manufacture period) and long-term employment, according to what disabled can do. With this special day in place, companies will not have to provide extra training for the disabled, helping them save cost and after employing them as they employ only disabled with skills they need. Furthermore, this day provides assurance to the companies as they are very sure that the disabled they employ will be of help to the companies, helping it to increase its productivity. 2. Run! for the Rainbow Companies employers will be the participants invited for the competition. Instead of running as a normal people, employers will be running as disabled. Employers will be asked to use or put on special items (e.g. blindfold, wheelchair) as disabled (e.g. blind, deaf, wheelchair-bound), putting themselves in the shoes of disabled people and gain a deeper understanding of the difficulties faced by them. To win the competition, the employers will push themselves hard and put in their best effort to win the competition. Hence, through this competition, companies will be assured of the commitment that disabled employees will put in as they understand how much effort the disabled will put in to ensure that he or she will not be sacked. Thus, companies will benefit as its productivity increases. 3. Rainbow award To recognize values and talents disabled bring to work place. Other than just receiving an award title, disabled will be given a chance to bring in friends, who are also limited by disabilities and are unable to get a job. This will help to increase the overall employment of disabled in the society. To ensure the companies will benefit, the awardees will be the job trainers for the new employees they recommended and must ensure that the new employees are of help to the companies. Thus, with this award, the productivity of the companies will only continue to increase as its manpower will definitely increase but not decrease. Resource Persons Ruth and YiKai to request an interview with AWWA in-charge. Printed/internet sources Bryan refer to AWWA website on how organization works. Rayna find out the different types of jobs suitable. Rayna, YiKai conduct survey for companies interested: -To get evidence that companies need to know potential of disabled before taking the risk to employ Printed/internet Resource YiKai and Ruth research on manufacturers Resource Persons Rayna and Bryan to request collaboration between DPA and polytechnics Resource person Ruth and Bryan contact person-in-charge of The BURLAP bag to gather evidence of its success q The suggested strategy is creative. q The suggested management strategy is appropriate and effective for the target audience. q The suggested management strategy is feasible and manageable. q There is a clear link between the lessons learnt from 1st area and the suggested proposal q Details of the strategy are clearly presented. q There is clear and honest evaluation of the strategy. Any other comments / considerations? There may be a lack of statistics and evidence from the website and hence we need to carry out surveys. We might not be able to get the interviews done in which case we might have to look at another location or organization that is willing to communicate with us. Economically minded organizations may not be willing to work with us as little direct benefits, then need to request help from other non-profit organizations q The group is aware of the potential difficulties they may encounter. q The project is manageable.