Friday, November 1, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Case study - Essay Example a. Identify one short term business objective and one long term business objective from a case study. You are required to provide two case examples for a short term business objective and two case examples for a long term business objective. a. List and discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of packaged (a.k.a Off-the-shelf) software. You are required to use two case studies to derive the examples for the advantages and the disadvantages. Rolls-Royce’ ERP R/3 systems is packaged system. For the implementing this system we have to re-engineer the overall business processes. Main advantages of the ERP SAP R/3 as packaged software system for the Rolls-Royce are its reduced cost, high system quality and rapid implementation. Geneva has implemented SAP R/3 system that offers enhanced services and business handling. The main advantage/ benefit of this packaged software implementation is the utilization of the currently operation resources. These can be operating system, communications middleware, and technical infrastructure needed by the entire application modules. 2. IT Portfolio – â€Å"ES rarely meet the full business requirements in an organization. In general 80% of the requirements are met with an ES, while the rest (20%) of the requirements needs to be fulfilled with alternative methods†. a. Discuss the aforementioned statement in light of two case studies. You need to discuss why ES don’t provide all organizational requirements. You should also comment and provide specific examples from two case studies on the three things that organizations employ to increase the ‘fit’ between the system functionality and business requirements. The system implemented by the Geneva business has some of the areas those are not properly addressed. These areas can be intelligent business decision making. This aspect of this business remains unaddressed and business need to implement a decision making system. a.

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