Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Position review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Position review - Essay Example lly by (a) providing reasons and evidence that the audience will see as persuasive, (b) anticipating and responding to objections or questions the audience is likely to raise, and (c) making appropriate appeals? The paper could be more persuasive in the 4th paragraph where the writer was trying to convince the reader that the cost of having an on call interpreter for every language in the hospital is a necessary evil. This could have been done by presenting actual statistics relating to the effective treatment of patients in hospitals that do have easily accessible interpreters. The writer has created a clear voice that speaks for the non-English speakers who need hospital care. The voice used is clearly appropriate for use throughout the whole paper. However, his ethos is hampered by the lack of citations in the paper that would have added credibility to his arguments. 7. What did you learn from the conclusion that you didnt already know after reading the introduction and the body? What information does the writer want you to take away from the argument? Does the writer attempt to change your attitude, action or opinion? I learned that the changing ethnic landscape of America has also changed the way we treat patients in the hospitals. We need to make sure that the hospital policies follow suit in order to be able to provide ample healthcare to all concerned. The writer wants the reader to come away from the argument realizing that universal healthcare should also speak international languages in order to be highly effective in treating their patients. The writer however, does not attempt to make the reader change his attitude, action, or opinion. Instead, he presents all of the factual data that he can muster and then allows the reader to come to his own

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