Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cause and effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Cause and effect - Essay Example When other nations present a better outlook expectation, advanced earnings and a sparkling way of life, it draws many populaces. Other people tent to move in search of means for survival and to be able to support their families back home (Lujà ¡n 78). Many developed states have many advancements taking place daily in their places. The numerous expansions attract people mainly from the least urbanized nations to shift there to earn good incomes. Education: majority of citizens tend to progress to other countries with the anticipation of securing good quality schooling. Other states are appareled with a huge range of learning prospects. Many of them have numerous and classy professional establishments, colleges, universities as well as high schools that are better that those established back at home. The superiority and the prestige that comes in line with being associates with such a teaching drive many to shift other lands. Others have a preference to attend institutions that are well known globally in order for them to be famous (Sharma 196). Many students particularly those from wealthy backgrounds travel to countries of their picking to get PhD and Masters Credentials. Through scholarship students also get an option to move to their preferred sates to learn. Lofty Standards of living: numerous parents over and over again tent to propel their kinds overseas for them to attain the best existence. Manly they do this with an objective covering up on the life they were denied or did not achieve. Parents believe that once their children have travelled overseas they will get a plentiful and fruitful life there. With this major concern of a lofty living, much populaces do all they can to shift abroad. Other populaces go to any extend that they abandon their occupations in their motherlands just try their fortune in other states. Others even choose to revolutionize their

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